Programme SAP RSOLETI1 - OLE Object Browser

The Type Info of an OLE application, i.e. the description of itsobjects with their techniques and properties and their parameters, canbe loaded from the Windows Registry in two forms at SAP (transactionSOLI).
The information relevant at runtime, which constitutes the Type Infofor SAP, is stored in table OLELOAD.
'Type Info' displays the contents of table OLELOAD for a chosenapplication.
The remaining information from the Registry is stored as Browser Infoin the INDX. This data is used by the Object Browser (which can also beimplemented as a test tool).
The 'Object list' delivers all the objects of an OLE application.
You get the techniques and properties of an object through lineselection, together with details of required and optional parameters.After further line selection, the individual parameters are listed withtype specifications.
As WinHelp indices were also loaded for objects and verbs, you can callup the corresponding WinHelp documentation.
An initial object of an OLE2 application is created with "Createobject". After this, the active OLE objects are always displayed in thelist header. If you choose an object here, its techniques will bedisplayed and you can call one of these techniques immediately. If thetechnique requires parameters, you reach parameter display again withline selection, and from here you call the technique after entering thevalues.
The same applies to properties, only a property call with empty valuesis interpreted as a GET PROPERTY, and the result is placed in the valuefield.