Programme SAP RSOLEINT - Type Info Loaded

This report is used to load the typelib of an OLE2 application from theWindows registry into the SAP System.
The type info of an OLE application, that is, the description of itsobjects, with their methods and properties and their parameters, can beloaded from the Windows Registry in two forms.
The information relevant at runtime, which represents the type Info forSAP, is stored in table OLELOAD.
'Display type info' displays the contents of table OLELOAD for a chosenapplication.
'Load type info' requests the type info for the chosen application viaa function module on the frontend in the local Windows registry. Itstores this information in table OLELOAD.
The remaining information is loaded from the Windows registry with'Load browser info', and is required for the Object Browser(Transaction SOLO).
Make sure, when you load, that 'English' is set as the defaultlanguage, that is, the information is created under the key 'E' in SAP(see keyword CREATE OBJECT). If you want to store the information underanother key, you can change the default value with 'Change language'.Of course, this only makes sense if the typelib is also in the requiredlanguage on the frontend.
To execute all these functions, you require the network administrationauthorization from the 'System authorizations' object.