Programme SAP RSMWDISPLAYCNTXT - Display Flowcontext screen

This program demonstrates the use of SAP Image Controls.
The source code of the program can be used as a template in otherprograms. When the program has started, a screen with two imagecontrols appears. Press the buttons 'NORMAL', 'STRETCH' or 'FIT' tochange the display mode of the controls.
Press 'CLEAR' to clear the contents of the upper control.
In the input field 'Location' (top), you can enter a URL that refers toa picture. After pressing 'ENTER' this picture will be loades into theupper Control.
If you doubleclick on the picture, the text 'DOUBLE CLICK EVENT'appears in the 'Location' field.
If you right click on the picture, the text 'CONTEXT MENU EVENT'appears in the 'Location' field together with the coordinates of theclick.