Programme SAP RSMIPROACT - Transfer Stocks and Requirements to SAP ICH/SNC

You can use this report to transfer data for supplier collaboration fromyour ERP system to >SAP Inventory Collaboration Hub (SAP ICH) or to SAPSupply Network Collaboration (SAP SNC). For more information, see thedocumentation for SAP Supply Chain Management under SAP InventoryCollaboration Hub (SAP ICH) and the documentation for SAP SNC.

You can only use this report if you are using SAP ICH or SAP SNC.

1281192Implementation recommendations for SNC 7.0
1180861SAP SNC 7.0 ERP integration
1062459Release Restrictions for SNC 2007
1072534SAP SNC 2007 (5.1) ERP Integration
728361correction for report RSMIPROACT
730913ICH 41: Collective Note Config.Guides and SolMan RP & SMI