Purpose Integration Prerequisites
Selection Activities Special Features: IV_CON_NAME>). If someone else already holds this lock, the program te rminates with an error message. The lock is released again when theprogram ends (with or without an error). Process Steps: ning it.. Special Features of the Preprocessing and Postprocessing Reports <(><<)>TEXT>: up to 255 characters in length <(><<)>TEXT> that starts with "STOP ": Preprocessing report orpostprocessing report is signalling that further processing of the st art, stop, or initialization process by the program should be terminated- for example, because the report is starting the liveCache itself. Theprogram ends itself (without an error message). <(><<)>TEXT> that does not start with "STOP ": Preprocessing orpostprocessing report is returning an error. For a more detailed errormessage, see the <(><<)>TEXT>. The program terminates with an errormessage. <(><<)>TEXT>: You can view this in the detailed log in transaction LC10(under "Properties# and "Operating#) |