Programme SAP RSLG0011 - List of System Log Messages

'RSLG0011' has several functions:

Specify a value range for the message numbers. You can also choose alanguage. If you enter an asterisk ('*'), all languages are chosen.
A list is created.

Specify a value range for the message numbers. You can also choose alanguage. If you enter an asterisk ('*'), all languages are chosen.
The messages chosen are written in a special format to a file on theapplication server. You can decide on the file name.

Insert + Import
All messages that are in the specified file and have the specialexport/import format are inserted in the database.
If a message exists with other texts and values, it is notchanged.

Import (without insert)
No function yet.

688089SYSLOG: unreadable characters after change to UNICODE