Programme SAP RSLDARCH03 - Read Program for Database Log Archive

The program RSLDARCH03 reads archived database log entries andoutputs them in a report. The archives that can be anayzed with thisprogram are generated with the program RSLDARCH01.
Archive analysis can either be called via ArchiveAdministration (archiving object 'BC_DBLOGS') or directly in dialog.When calling via Archive Administration a preselection of archives to beread is requested. The read program is then started in the background.When calling in dialog the archives to be read are requested from theuser during the program run.

Accessible database log archives are the only precondition for theexecution of the program.

The program outputs a report with all log entries in the selectedarchives. When calling the analysis via ArchiveAdministration the report can also be called via ArchiveAdministration.
The read archives and the database log table are not changed by theanalysis.
The data is output in raw format. For a formatted output, usetransaction SCU3.

See also
Archiving program table logs
Delete program table logs