In addition to the direct use of an SAP system by SAP users, there isalso the general possibility of indirect use of SAP systems throughinterfaces. This is the case, for example, if a general user is used fordialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPIC users ofvarious applications).
The aim is to be able to use the License Administration Workbench (LAW)as the central system for measurement - that is, also for non-SAPsystems that access the SAP system.
The exchange of data for license measurement between (non-)SAP systemsand the central LAW system is performed using a certain format - the"SID file". It is the task of this report to convert a defined, simpledata format to the specific SID format and then to import it into theLAW.
The customer is to provide the raw data for this report in a(tab-separated) CSV-file with the following format:

  • User name (CHAR12) *

  • User type (CHAR2)

  • E-mail address (CHAR241)

  • First name (CHAR30)

  • Last name (CHAR30)

  • Last login date (YYYYMMDD)

  • Creation Date(YYYYMMDD)

  • Cost Center (CHAR8)

  • Telephone Number (CHAR16)

  • Name 1 (CHAR20)

  • Value 1 (CHAR128)

  • Name 2 (CHAR20)

  • Value 2 (CHAR128)

  • Name 3 (CHAR20)

  • Value 3 (CHAR128)

  • Name 4 (CHAR20)

  • Value 4 (CHAR128)

  • Name 5 (CHAR20)

  • Value 5 (CHAR128)

  • Separate the individual fields with a tab stop. The field marked with anastersik (*) is a mandatory field. If this field is not filled or isincorrectly filled, an error message is created. This is also the caseif you enter an incorrect date. If the user type field is empty, it isfilled during the course of the report with a default value, which youmust enter on the selection screen of the report. All other fields areoptional and can be replaced by a tab stop. If, however, these arevalues that you want to use later to group users, they must, of course,be included.
    The name-value pairs at the bottom of the list are for personalizationdata, which is available to the customer for additional information (andalso for grouping).

    The report is integrated into the transaction LICENSE_ADMIN (SLAW), andcan be started by choosing the menu path Measurement Data -> Import Data-> From External System

    A range of data that will exist in a correct system measurement file,since it is constant and automatically added. In detail, this is:

    • Name:,,,,,,,,,,,,Value:

    • Hardware key,,,,,,,,,,X0000000000

    • Installation number,,,,,,,,,,EXTSYSTEMS

    • System status,,,,,,,,,,,,PROD

    • Client,,,,,,,,,,,,000

    • Category of the client,,,,,,,,P

    • SAP Release,,,,,,,,,,,,Current system release
    • Selection

      • System ID *

      • Unique system number*

      • Description *

      • Date of the measurement (DDMMYYYY)

      • Time of the measurement (HHMMSS)

      • Name of the user that performed the measurement

      • Default user type *

      • Price list selection

      • Path specification of the upload file

      • The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Input help isavailable to enter a correct date and a correct time, the user type, anda precise path specification. The system also checks whether the usertype and the selected price list(s) match.

        You can optionally display the result, the table generated in SIDformat.
        The result is imported into the LAW using a function module (directly orinto the Inbox).


        Example CSV File
        Shown with a header row, which must not be included in the file!
        If you are using Microsoft Excel to create the file, you mustensure that you use the correct date format. You may have to define yourown format to dothis.################################################################