Checking the assignments between business functions and the relevantdocumentation contents. Displaying the entries with errors and executinga clean-up for certain cases (for example, not releasing info objects).
Displaying history for selected assignments and for those alreadydeleted.
It is not possible to execute this directly in the background usingProgram -> Execute in the Background.

Only a power user can execute this (activity 'FOLDER_ADMIN' is neededfor authorization object S_IWB_ADM).


Checking / Displaying Results
Using this transaction you can run checks for existing assignmentsbetween business functions, enhancement package keys, and SAP KWstructures according to selected selection criteria. Assignments witherrors can be displayed after the check has been completed.
Selection criteria for restricting the assignments to be examined. Limitto:

  • One or more structures

  • One or more business fuctions

  • An enhancement package

  • For the enhancement package option you have to decide whether the checkis also to take the assignments of the previous enhancement packagesinto account. If not, then only the assignments for the selectedenhancement package (including Support Package) are taken intoconsideration.
    When selecting the option 'All Assignments' all the existing entries inthe assignment table IWB_BF_EHP_IOH are checked.
    The following checks are executed for the selected assignments in theorder in which they are named:
    • Existence of the Enhancement Package Entry

    • It is checked if the enhancement package entries used for theassignmetns still exist in the associated tables (IWB_EHP_F4 /IWB_EHP_CONTEXTH).
      • Existence of the Business Function

      • It is checked if the business functions used in the assignments stillexist in the table IWB_BF_F4.
        • Validity of Software Components/Releases

        • During the checks, comparisons are also made between the values of thebusiness functions for the software component and release (in tableIWB_BF_F4) and those software components/releases assigned to thecurrent enhancement package (table IWB_EHP_SWC).
          • Inclusions in Superordinate Book Structures

          • Inclusions in superordinate book structures are checked at runtime. Ifmore or fewer inclusions are found than there are entries for mainstructures in the assignments then the correct number of structures isnot exported. Changes to the usage types of structures (book structure /substructure) can cause these problems:
            • Status of Assignment Structure

            • Status must have the value 'Released' so that these structures are takeninto consideration for the export.
              • Productive Indicator of Assignment Structure

              • Structures assigned to business functions must be assigned to productivefolders. Exports are typically restricted to contents with 'ProductiveIndicator = Yes'.
                These checks are only executed for 'SAP'-type systems and not forcustomer systems.
                • Status of Main Structure(s)

                • As with assignment structures, superordinate book structures also haveto reference at least one 'Released' version.
                  • Productive Indicator of Main Structure(s)

                  • Only productive contents are taken into consideration for export.
                    These checks are only executed for 'SAP'-type systems and not forcustomer systems.
                    • Structure Not Yet Exported

                    • Additional information shows to what extent the structures (assignments/ main structure) have already been exported using HTML Export Service.The value for the SHH key (also called CHM key) already exists in thiscase. In all other cases, the message appears that the structure has notyet been exported.
                      No further activities are to be executed for 'I' (information) typemessages.
                      The result of this check is stored in an extract. This result list isuser-specific. The previous extract is no longer available once a newcheck is started. Only the results list for the most recently executedcheck can be displayed.
                      Important: Before starting a further check, wait for the results of thefirst check to appear!

                      History of Selected Assignments
                      It is still possible to explore the complete history of selectedassignments more closely. Using this function you can identify whichuser deleted an assignment and at what time. This can no longer be seenin the list of assignments, only in the history table (IWB_BF_EHP_IOV).
                      The following operations can be found in the entries:

                      • C (Create)

                      • U (Update)

                      • D (Delete)

                      • The versions of an assignment are always retained in the history table.This table is not deleted.


                        Group box Options

                        • Start check BF/EHP/structure assignments in the background.

                        • After Execution (F8) (or Program -> Execute in the menu)you can restruct the assignment entries that are to be explored:
                          All Assignments
                          No restriction of the assignment check.
                          All entries of the assignment tables are checked according to thecriteria previously defined.
                          Only the assignments of one of more structures are checked.
                          Business Functions
                          Only the assignments of one of more business functions are checked.
                          Enhancement Package
                          Select an enhancement package (with / without predecessor).
                          Checkbox 'Without Predecessor'
                          x Only the assignments of a selected enhancement package (includingSupport Package entries) are checked.
                          x If this checkbox is not checked, all assignments of the completesequence of enhancement packages are verified.
                          The check is started in the background after choosing Continue.
                          • Display Check Result

                          • After choosing Execute (F8) (or Program -> Execute), theextract of the check that was previously executed is displayed.
                            • History (BF)

                            • After choosing Execute (F8) (or Program -> Execute), thenext screen displayed the selection criteria for the relatedassignments. The most important fields include:
                              BFUNCTION (technical name of business function)
                              ENH_PACKAGE_SP (Enhancement package key / Support Package)
                              OBJID (32-digit ID of structure / LOIO)
                              CLASS (Info object class of structure)
                              M_OBJID (32-digit ID of main structure / LOIO)
                              M_CLASS (Info object class of main structure)
                              OPERATION (Executed activity: Create / Update / Delete)
                              CHANGE_USER (User)
                              CHANGE_DATE (Change date)
                              After choosing Execute (F8), the list of version for the selectedassignments appears.


                              • For the option Starting the Check for BF/EHP/Structure Assignments
                              • in the Background.
                                No separate output. The actual results of the check can be viewed usingDisplay Check Results.
                                • For the Display Check Results option

                                • If the check is not yet complete then the following message appearsinstead of the list of assignments with errors:
                                  Check still running. Wait...
                                  If all the assignments that are selected are correct according to theselection criteria then the following message appears in the status lineof the SAP GUI:
                                  All assignments correct.
                                  If assignments with errors were found then the Check Resultsscreen appears. This shows the information found for each assignmentrecord according to the check sequence. This could be as follows:
                                  E (Error)
                                  W (Warning)
                                  I (Information)
                                  The check for an assignment record is complete as soon as an informationmessage from one of the three categories above appears.
                                  After solving the problem and restarting the check, any further errorsin the assignment record can be found. To restart the check, use thepushbutton Restart (or choose Entry -> Restart Checks).
                                  Quitting the results list without solving all the error/warning typemessages produces the message that there are still entries with errors.
                                  The following fields can be found in the results list by default:
                                  Msg. Nr.
                                  Message number
                                  Msg. Type
                                  Message type (for example, 'E' for error / 'W' for warning)
                                  Message Short Text
                                  If there is further documentation (long text) for the message then thiscan be called after selecting the message using Display ErrorMessage.
                                  Business Function
                                  Technical name of affected business function.
                                  Enhancement Package
                                  Name of enhancement package used for assignment.
                                  SP of the EHP
                                  Support Package of the enhancement package (field can be empty).
                                  Value for context parameter 'Enhancement' (field can be empty).
                                  Value for context parameter 'Standard or Enhancement Release'.
                                  Technical Name of Structure
                                  Technical name of assignment structure used for the assignment record.
                                  Technical Name of Main Structure
                                  Technical name of the superordinate book structure(s).
                                  Last Changed by
                                  User who made the last change to the assignment (create / update).
                                  Change Time
                                  Time of the last change to the assignment.
                                  The Repair function can be used to resolve certain problemsituations. Here is a short list of the most important functions thatare supported:
                                  Object not Released
                                  Assignment structure or one of the main structures has not yet beenreleased in the related context. By executing this function a newversion of the object is created in the context of the enhancementpackage key.
                                  Wrong Number of Inclusions in Superordinate Book Structures
                                  The main structures are updated using the Repair function. This meansthat the number of entries for the main structures is adapted to thecurrent situation of the Where-Used List.
                                  • History (BF)

                                  • Display of all versions for the selected assignments.