Programme SAP RSIWB_EXPORT_FOLDER_LIST - Create Folder List/Structure List for Export Service

Determining the SAP Knowledge Warehouse content that was changed in aparticular time period and preparing this information in list form forsubsequent use by the HTML Export Service.

This process of determining the changed contents can be executed forseveral areas. Contents that are located in non-productive folders canbe excluded from the entire quantity of contents to be examined.
You can set further limits to the selection of contents, internallywithin SAP, by choosing:

  • One or several business functions

  • An enhancement package key

  • One or several software components (of the business functions)

  • These three options are not available for external SAP KnowledgeWarehouse customers.
    Depending on the mode selected, the output can contain:
    • Folders or

    • Structures

    • For more information, refer to the options under
      Selection Contents for Structure-Based Exports.

      Context Options Group Box
      Here, in addition to setting the actual context parameters, you willneed to make decisions regarding the fallback language and theproductivity of the folders.
      Language Field
      Default setting is English. You can set the language only through the F4help key.
      Radio button Standard Context / Enhancement Context
      If you choose Standard Context (default setting), you can enter an SAPstandard release manually for the Release field or choose one throughthe F4 help key.
      If you select the option Enhancement Context, we recommend using the F4help for selecting the enhancement and the respective enhancementrelease.
      Country Key Field
      Typically, no entry is made in this field since the country key isnormally not a part of the context.
      With Context Resolution Checkbox
      This checkbox is visible only if you select the option 'EnhancementContext'. If you select this option, all the info objects that are foundthrough the performed context resolution in the underlying enhancements(within the context chain) will be included. If the checkbox is leftempty, the system will only include info objects that can be found inthe set enhancement (if only Release + Language, the enhancement in thiscase is the initial value).
      With Fallback Language Checkbox
      If you select this option, info objects that are not in the selectedinitial context language will also be included (in accordance with thestandard KW context resolution).
      Only Productive Folders Checkbox
      If you select this option, info objects from folders marked as'Non-Productive' will not be taken into consideration.
      External SAP KW customers are not in a position to select this optionbecause customers' own content is not included in the productivestructure and thus the contents are also marked as 'Non-Productive'.
      Selection of Contents for Structure-Based Exports Group Box
      In this selection, you decide on the subsequent use in the box offolder-based or structure-based exports.
      Display of Options Checkbox
      If Display of Options is not selected, a list with folders will begenerated as a result. If this option is chosen, further selectionoptions will appear.
      As a result, a list with structures will be created.
      The three options described below are not released for external SAP KWcustomers and will therefore not be displayed. In this case, furtherlimitation of the contents will be performed in accordance with thealready existing assignments between business functions, enhancementpackage keys, and structures.
      Business Function
      Changed info objects are limited to one (or several) business functionswith regard to the assignment of structures. First of all, theenhancement package must be chosen before the possible functions forthis can be selected.
      For this option, you must decide whether only assignments to theselected enhancement package key (and the corresponding SupportPackages) should be considered, or also the enhancement packages definedas predecessors. This selection is done using the option WithoutEHP/Product Resolution (without predecessors, but with 'ALL').
      Enhancement Package Key
      Only structures that belong to the selected enhancement package key andmeet the remaining selection criteria will be considered for processing.
      Software Components of the Business Functions
      One or several software components can be selected to reduce thecontents to be taken into consideration.
      Area Selection Group Box
      Document Area Field
      The technical name of the area can be entered manually or selectedthrough the F4 help. Examples: for documentation this is 'IWBHELP', forXML documentation 'XML_DOCU'.
      If several areas are to be included for determining the folder list, youshould then choose the 'Multiple Selection' (arrow pointing right)'button.
      Time Period Group Box
      Using the start and end dates, you define the time period for thechanged info objects.
      Start Date Field
      The search for changed info objects and the respectivestructures/folders is begun from this date onwards (time: 00:00:00).
      Careful: If the contents search is executed in the background, you canleave the field Start Date blank. If no value is entered, there is norestriction with regard to the change date. This can provoke a lengthyruntime.
      End Date Field
      The default value is the date of the execution of the report.
      Flow Options Group Box
      In general, the report can be executed both in dialog mode as well as inbatch mode. We recommend batch execution because there are runtimelimits with dialog work processes and these can cause abrupt terminationof the action.
      Execute in Background Checkbox
      This is where you decide to execute the report either in dialog mode orin the background. If you choose this option, you can schedule the batchjob through Immediate Start.
      Job Name Field
      The default name for the name of the batch job is RSIWB_EXPORT_LIST.
      Caution Group Box
      This section contains only information on the SAP-internal use of thisfunction. For external KW customers, this part is suppressed (hidden).
      RESET N1
      RESET N2

      The results list is output in correspondence with the selected flowoption. Below we will list the differences between executing in dialogmode and in batch mode.
      After the parameters have been entered, the report is started in dialogmode through the option Execute (F8) (or menu Program -> Execute. Theoption Execute in Background in the Flow Option section is not set.
      Subsequent actions or inputs are necessary afterwards.
      Selection of Directory Path for Storing the Results List
      You must select a directory in which the results list weill be created.Continue by pressing 'Ok'.
      Input of the File Name for the Results List
      'Folder List_' or 'Structure List_' is proposed as default value. Thefile format will always be 'TXT' and therefore automatically added onthe selected file name.
      Information on the Current Processing Status
      If suitable contents were found for the entries made previously, theperson executing the job receives - via a popup message - information onthe work step just completed. Click on 'Continue' to continueprocessing. At the end, there will be a message confirming that thefolder selection has been completed.
      If no suitable contents were found, the following message will appeardirectly in the status line of the SAP GUI: 'No info objects found'.'
      Subsequent actions or inputs are necessary after Execute (F8) with theoption Execute in Background:
      Input of Background Print Parameters
      You need to select an output device. Without this selection, thefollowing steps for executing the report in the background cannot beperformed.
      Repeated input/selection of the output device each time you start thereport in the background can be avoided through the following actions:
      Menu 'System -> User Parameters -> Own Data' -> Tab page 'Fixed Values'-> Section 'Spool Control'. In the field 'Output Device' you can enterthe printer to be used - for example, 'LOCL'.
      Setting the Start Date for the Report / Batch Job
      As when planning each batch job, you must choose a start date - if theflow option Immediate Start has not been selected.
      Choose the required start option. With 'Save', you schedule the batchjob under the name 'RSIWB_EXPORT_LIST' - if no other name has beenassigned to the batch job beforehand.
      Monitoring the Job Log / Spool
      You can monitor the status of the batch job through the menu path'System -> Own Jobs'. In the 'Status' column, you will find the'Finished' value in green. If contents were found, there will also be aspool log for this batch job.
      If there is no spool for this batch job, the job must be selected andthe job log must be checked (Menu Goto -> Job Log).
      Generation of Results List from the Spool
      When you execute the report in batch mode, you must create the resultslist -- as described below - from the spool file of the batch job.
      If you started the job in dialog mode, the TXT file with the changedcontents (according to the selection) will have been created in thedirectory selected previously. There are therefore no further actionsrequired for creating the results list.
      Necessary actions for creation of the results list from the spool:
      - Calling the job overview for users currently logged by using the menuSystem -> Own Jobs.
      - Selecting the batch job that was used to determine thefolders/structures. The name of the batch job corresponds to the namechosen for executing the report (Default: RSIWB_EXPORT_LIST).
      - Calling the spool via the menu Goto -> Spool- List.
      - Selecting the spool order in the overview list of print orders.
      - Displaying the content through the menu Goto -> Order Display ->Content.
      - Creating the actual TXT file, done through the standard function fordownloading contents:
      o Menu System -> List -> Save -> Local File
      o Selection of option Unconverted during query of format
      o Selection of directory + input of file name are required..
      o In the status line of the SAP GUI, you will see a message regardingthe number of bytes transmitted.
      Setup / Components of the Results List
      Here we will give some details of the components of the results list(TXT file) in accordance with the mode selected (folders/structures).
      The results list can be used without further changes for the upload intransaction SI88. All the entries for folders or structures between theentries 'START_LIST' and 'END_LIST'are taken into consideration by theHTML Export Service.
      Folder List
      For each folder, three lines in the results list are used:
      o Area/ LOIO of folder
      o Technical name of folder
      o Person responsible
      Example of a folder from the Documentation area (IWBHELP):
      1 IWBHELP EC5821314EA89F4D95DC0BB142352D9A
      2 HELP.PAAS
      3 SAP
      Structure List
      In the structure list, there are several selection options, in contrastto the folder list:
      Context information (Name of the section: CONTEXT)
      1|LANGUAGE|E (Language / here: English)
      2|RELEASE|712 (Release / here: 712)
      3|TMP_IWB_TASK|EDIT (Internal parameter)
      4|IWB_STATE|RELEASED (Status / here: released)
      5|TMP_LOCAL_CR_RESOLVE|X (Internal parameter)
      List of enhancement package entries (name of section: EHPS // Appears inthe results list only if Business Function / Enhancement Package orsoftware component were selected as options.
      o List of business functions (name of section: BFS // Appears in theresults list only if Business Function / Enhancement Package orsoftware component were selected as options).
      o List of structures (name of section: STRUCTURE_SECTION)
      o List of folders with 'lone objects' (name of section:FOLDER_SECTION //Only appears in the results list if the systemdetermined during analysis of the contents that info objects werereferenced even though they are not assigned to any structure )
      Details / examples of the individual sections in the results list:
      Context information (section on enhancement package entries, section:EHPS)
      Each of the enhancement package entries used during report execute islisted here.
      List of the business functions (Section BFS)
      Each of the business functions considered for report execution is listedhere.
      List of Structures (Section: STRUCTURE_SECTION)
      For each structure, three lines in the results list are used:
      o Structure class | LOIO of the structure
      o Technical name of the structure
      o Person responsible
      Example of a structure from the documentation area (IWBHELP):
      List of folders with 'lone objects' (section: FOLDER_SECTION)
      As described above for the folder list. The specified folder contains atleast one 'lone object'. Further analysis is then carried out using thefolder check function in SI80> there are three lines per folder in alone object:
      o Area / LOIO of the folder
      o Technical name of the folder
      o Person responsible