All info objects used in one or more start structures can be determined(including those used in lower-level structures). The results list canbe used for a later export with the HTML export service.

HTML Export Service 7.1
HTML Export Service 7.1 is used to export structures from the resultslist. Earlier versions of the HTML export service can only be used toexport folders.
To receive the latest version of the HTML export service, open acustomer message under component KM-KW. Unless you install this versionof the HTML export service you cannot export structures.
Status of Contents
Only the latest released version of the contents (structures, contentobjects) are included in the pre-analysis.
If an info object has never been released (IWB_STATE = RELEASED), it isexcluded from processing altogether.
This means that further structures included in a particular structure(relationship class STRUCTINCL), or other structures referenced fromlinks (relationship class STRUCTLINK) will not be included in furtheranalyses.
Usage Type of Structures
Structures with usage type 'substructure' (<> book structure) are alsonot included in the results list, since structures that are not includedin a higher-level book structure cannot be exported.

In transaction SI88_PREANALYSIS the contents (structures) to be exportedcan be determined based on one or more start structures.
The function #used objects# is used to determine the referencedcontents. Based on the start structure a list of used objects iscreated. If structures are involved, and at least one released versionexists, the #used objects# function is also used for these info objects.For content objects the #where-used list# function is used to determinethe related structures.
Each info object is included only once in the list of objects to beanalyzed.
Info objects that have never been released are excluded completely fromthe process (the same as they are when contents are exported intransaction SI88). Their references are also excluded.
Only book structures that have at least one released version in thespecified context are included in the results list.
If solitary objects are found (content objects not assigned to astructure but still referenced by a structure to be exported), they areplaced in a separate section of the results list.
The results list also records information about non-existing references(for example, the target object of a hyperlink no longer exists in theKW system), and information about a missing released version in aspecific context.
We strongly recommend you perform a cleanup before the actual export inSI88, otherwise an incomplete export is to be expected.

Group box Context Options
In addition to setting context parameters you have to also decidewhether you want to analyze only contents flagged as productive.
Field Language
Default: Value for the logon language on SAP GUI (for example, EN forEnglish)
Field SAP Release
Select or enter the release
Default setting: SAP system release
If an enhancement as part of the context is needed, this field can beinserted by choosing Context -> Enhancement -> Show from the menu.
Checkbox Include Info Objects from Productive Folders Only
The option is activated by default. The default setting means that infoobjects from folders flagged as "non-productive# are not included.
External SAP KW customers must remove this option, since customercontents are not attached to the productive structure, and therefore thecontents are also flagged as #non-productive#.
If you leave this default setting even though the info objects selectedas start structures are located in #non-productive# folders, the resultslist will be empty since no further analysis will be done.
Group box Processing Options
The pre-analysis can usually be performed in dialog mode or in batchmode (background). We recommend you run the pre-analysis in thebackground, since there is a runtime limit for dialog work processes,which if exceeded, will terminate the pre-analysis before it iscompleted.
Checkbox Execute in Background
You can decide to run the pre-analysis in dialog mode or in thebackground. If you select this option, you can choose when to schedulethe KW_PREANALYSIS batch job by selecting Immediate Start.
Checkbox Immediate Start (in subsection Background Processing)
If this option is selected, the analysis is started immediately afterthe contents have been selected and #Release# chosen. If you do notselect this option, the dialog box appears to select the start time forthe batch job.
Function Select Contents
Use this function to select the start structures for the pre-analysis.The following options are possible:
Export ID Pre-Analysis
Business Function
Enhancement Package Key
Software Component
The three options regarding enhancement packages (business function /enhancement package key / software component) are not supported forexternal SAP KW customers, and are therefore not displayed here.
The actual pre-analysis starts once you have selected the startstructures and released the request. Below are the process flows foreach option.
Description of the options:
Once you have selected the area (for example, documentation / IWBHELP),a dialog box appears for searching by start structure. Here you canenter selection criteria for the structures (for example, technicalname, person responsible). To start the search, choose Continue.
If structures matching the selected criteria have been found, the screenSelection of Info Objects appears. Here you can select the objects youwant to use as start structures for the pre-analysis. You can selectmultiple objects.
After you choose Copy, and provided the selection contained bookstructures with at least one released version, the screen SelectHTML Export # Structures appears.
You can now select structures to be analyzed from the list (multipleselection possible). To start the pre-analysis, choose Request ->Release (or pushbutton Release Request).
The export ID is displayed in a separate popup. You should make a noteof the ID for future reference.
After choosing Continue you navigate to the location of a TXTfile containing the start structures used for the pre-analysis. Once thefile has been found and located, you can open it by choosing
A list of structures can be created manually or in transactionSI88_FOLDER_LIST.
If differences are found between the context parameters in the TXT fileand the current settings in transaction SI88_PREANALYSIS, a popupappears prompting you how to proceed. We do not recommend you continueprocessing if there are differences found between the contexts, sincethis can lead to errors when selecting the contents to export.
On the screen HTML Export - Structures you can now selectstructures to be analyzed from the list (multiple selection possible).To start the pre-analysis, choose Request -> Release (orpushbutton Release Request).
The export ID is displayed in a separate popup. You should make a noteof the ID for future reference.
Export ID Pre-Analysis
After you choose Continue, a list of completed pre-analyses appears(status = completed) with the same context parameters as currently setin transaction SI88_PREANALYSIS.
Pre-analyses with the status Analysis Running or Cancelled are notavailable for selection in the list for running the pre-analysis again.
The exact values of the context parameters are checked. For example, ifa pre-analysis has been run for context 700 / English, this export ID isnot available for selection in context 710 / English.
With this option the pre-analysis is run again with the same startstructures for the selected export ID of the pre-analysis. You cannotchange the selected start structures. The export ID also remains thesame; only information about, for example start and end times, isupdated.
Business Function
This function is only available internally at SAP.
With the option No Predecessors, but with All you can specify whetheronly assignments to the selected enhancement package (including supportpackages) are included, or whether all assignments in the enhancementpackage sequence are included. The list of predecessors is defined bythe administrator / power user in table IWB_EHP_F4.
After you choose Continue a list of available enhancement packageentries appears. You can select an enhancement package bydouble-clicking on the entry (screen Selection of EHP Parameters).
On the Selection of Business Functions screen the list of businessfunctions with assignments for the selected enhancement package isdisplayed. Here you can select one or more business functions.
After choosing Continue the structures or their higher-level bookstructures (if they were included) assigned to the selected businesssections are displayed on screen HTML Export # Structures.
To start the pre-analysis, choose Request -> Release (or pushbuttonRelease Request).
The export ID is displayed in a separate popup. You should make a noteof the ID for future reference.
Enhancement Package Key
This function is only available internally at SAP.
As described under the "Business Function# option. The only differencehere is that the business functions are not selected. With this optionall structures with assignments for the selected enhancement package (orsequence of enhancement packages) are included in the selection.
However, for the actual pre-analysis only book structures with at leastone released version are available for selection.
To start the pre-analysis, choose Request -> Release (or pushbuttonRelease Request).
The export ID is displayed in a separate popup. You should make a noteof the ID for future reference.
Software Component
This function is only available internally at SAP.
As described under the "Business Function# option. The only differencehere is that the business functions are not selected. With this optionthe software components for business functions used in assignments areavailable for selection.
The list of structures available for the pre-analysis is compiled fromthis.
To start the pre-analysis, choose Request -> Release (or pushbuttonRelease Request).
The export ID is displayed in a separate popup. You should make a noteof the ID for future reference.

In this section all possible options in the function Display Results aredescribed in detail. When you choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Results
<(>,<)> a list of all export IDs of the pre-analysis, regardless ofstatus or context, is displayed.
The columns below are displayed in the list:
Export ID
Export ID of the Pre-Analysis
Set Release at Start of Pre-Analysis
Set Language at Start of Pre-Analysis
Enhancement / Release Enhancement
Filled if enhancement is part of the context (for example, SAP_BW /BBPCRM).
Person Responsible
User who started the pre-analysis
Productive only
Inclusion of contents with productive indicator = yes (value = X)
Status of pre-analysis (e.g. analysis is running /completed /cancelled)
Initial Date / Initial Time
Start Time of the Pre-Analysis
Analysis Date / Analysis Time
Time of the Analysis
Finish Date / Finish Time
Completion of Pre-Analysis
Job Number
The following activities can be performed with export IDs ofpre-analyses:
Display start values
Display results
Download results
Delete export IDs
Repeat pre-analysis
In point 4 multiple export IDs can be selected. In the other points onlyone export ID can be selected.
Display start values
To display the start structures used in the pre-analysis, proceed asfollows:
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Results from the menu, or choosepushbutton Display Results.
Select the required export ID.
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Start Values from the menu, or choosepushbutton Start Values.
The following attributes are displayed for the structures in the list:
Technical Name
Person Responsible
Status (in this function Start Structure is always displayed as thestatus)
To return to the list of export IDs, choose Continue.
Display results
To display the results, proceed as follows:
To display the list of export IDs, choose Pre-Analysis -> DisplayResults from the menu or choose pushbutton Display Results.
Select the required export ID.
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Results from the menu, or choosepushbutton Display Results.
The following attributes are displayed for the structures in the list:
Technical name
Person responsible
Possible Statuses:
x Zu.export. Structure (to export)
x 'solitary' object (object referenced from hyperlink, but notreferenced by any structure)
x LOIO does not exist (link to an info object that no longerexists in the SAP KW system)
x PHIO does not exist (link to an info object that does not exist inthe selected context)
To return to the list of export IDs, choose Continue.
Note that you have to download the results to display the full resultslist (procedure displayed below).
Download results
To download all start parameters (context/selected enhancementpackages/business functions), and the results list, proceed as follows:
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Results from the menu, or choosepushbutton Display Results.
Select the required export ID.
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Download Results from the menu, or choosepushbutton Download Results.
Select required target directories for the results list.
Enter file name (default value: Ergebnisliste_)
The extension '.TXT' is added automatically.
To start downloading, choose Continue. In the next dialog box theselected location and the name of the results list is displayed again.
To return to the list of export IDs, choose Continue.
Delete export IDs
To delete one or more selected export IDs, proceed as follows:
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Display Results from the menu, or choosepushbutton Display Results.
Select the export IDs to delete with status Completed or Cancelled.
A confirmation prompt appears for each selected export ID. You cananswer the question, #Do you really want to delete the selected IDXXXX?#, with Yes.
After the last confirmation prompt you return to the list of export IDs.The export IDs selected for deletion should no longer be displayed. Thelist is updated automatically.
Repeat pre-analysis
To repeat the pre-analysis for a specific export ID after solving anyproblems that may have occurred, proceed as follows:
To display the list of export IDs, choose Pre-Analysis -> DisplayResults from the menu or choose pushbutton Display Results.
Select the required export ID.
Choose Pre-Analysis -> Repeat.
An information popup appears about the successful scheduling ofbackground job 'KW_PREANALYSIS' for the export ID selected earlier.
When the pre-analysis is repeated, this is scheduled alwaysautomatically in the background, regardless of how the firstpre-analysis was done (online or in the background).
To return to the list of export IDs, choose Continue.
Structure / Components of the Results List
Here the components of the downloaded results list are described indetail (TXT file). The creation of the TXT file using download isexplained in the section 'Download Results'.
Possible selections in the results list:
Context information (name of section: CONTEXT)
List of structures (name of section: STRUCTURE_SECTION)
List of folders with 'solitary objects' (name of section:FOLDER_SECTION)
List of non-existing objects (name of section: NOT_EXISTING)
List of objects with multiple usages (name of section: MULTI-USAGE)
When this TXT file is used in transaction SI88 for uploading thestructure list only the STRUCTURE_SECTION (between START_LIST andEND_LIST) is included. All other sections are rejected by the HTMLexport service.
Context information (section: CONTEXT)
This section contains information for error analysis.
1|IWB_STATE|RELEASED (status / here: released)
2|LANGUAGE|E (language / here: English)
3|RELEASE|712 (Release / here: 712)
4|TMP_IWB_TRY_OTHER_LANG|X (internal parameter)
List of structures (section: STRUCTURE_SECTION)
The structures exported by the HTML export service are listed in thissection between 'START_LIST' and 'END_LIST'.
Three lines are reserved for each structure in the results list:
Class of structure | LOIO of structure
Technical name of structure
Person responsbible
Example of a structure from the documentation area (IWBHELP):
List of folders with 'solitary objects' (name of section:FOLDER_SECTION)
This section must not necessarily be available in the results list. Ifthis sections appears, objects referenced in a hyperlink from an exportstructure are listed between 'START_LIST' and 'END_LIST', but theobjects themselves are not referenced from any structure.
Three lines are used in the results list for each folder with a solitaryobject:
1|Area | LOIO of Folder
2|Technical Name of Folder
3|Person Responsible
Below is an example from the documentation area (IWBHELP):
The solitary object is not listed. This object must be identified bychecking the folder and added to this folder.
List of non-existing objects (name of section: NOT_EXISTING)
This section must not necessarily be available in the results list.There is a difference between:
PHIO does not exist
Object exists in SAP KW, but no version exists in the required context.
LOIO does not exist
A referenced info object can no longer be found in SAP KW.
Three lines are used in the results list for each object without a PHIO:
Class of Object | LOIO of Object
Technical name of structure
Person responsbible
Only one line is displayed in the results list for each object withoutan existing LOIO; no further attributes can be determined (such astechnical name, person responsible) For this reason only the objectclass and LOIO are displayed.
Example of an object that was still referenced from a hyperlink, but hasno version in the context in question (PHIO does not exist):
List of objects with multiple usages (name of section: MULTI-USAGE)
This section must not necessarily be available in the results list. Ifthis section appears, objects are listed between 'START_LIST' and'END_LIST'.
Three lines are used in the results list for each object used inmultiple:
1| Object Class | LOIO of Object
2| Technical Name of Object
3| Person Responsible
Three lines are used for each structure that references this infoobject:
4| Class of Structure | LOIO of Structure
5| Technical Name of Structure
6| Person Responsible
Example of an XML object that is referenced by a structure from thedocumentation area and by a structure from the XML documentation area: