Programme SAP RSIWB003 - Create Help Extract Data Set

This program creates an extract of the management data for theapplication help from the Knowledge Warehouse management data. Theextract is put in the following tables:
HLPREF ,,assignment of topics to structures
HLPREFEXT,,assignment of structures to Winhelp projects
HLPREFM ,,assignment of topics to M-Links
HLPTXT ,,titles of topics and structures
You have to transport these tables after creating the extract.
The tables HLPREF, HLPREFEXT and HLPREFM are language-independent. Theyshould be transported generically and be in the Standard delivery. Thismust be done manually.
The table HLPTXT is language-dependent and must be created perlanguage. A transport request for the entries in this table perlanguage must be delivered on the CD with the long texts.
This request is created implicitly when the management data are createdby this program. The request has the following naming convention:SAPKnnnLmm, where nnn is a three-digit number and mm is the languageID. The application log contains the request name which this programcreated.

Editing or translation must be finished in this language before theextract data can be created.

When the management data is created, information for the specifiedcontext is fixed. The management data therefore cannot be editedsimultaneously or in parallel for multiple contexts (exception:multiple language).
The data are delivered by transporting table entries with generic keys.
You therefore have to export the data for one context before beginningto create the data for a new context.
Before beginning work for one context you therefore must first deleteall the management data.
The program does not ensure that one context is finished before thenext one starts. This must be done organizationally.


Standard delivery German and English
The table contents must be completely deleted first. Use the Delete
function on the selection screen of the report to do this.
Run the program once for German and once for English for the currentrelease before the standard delivery. Select All data in theData Selection section. Execute the report in the background(runtime approx. one hour per language).
Errors can be checked with the Log function in the selectionscreen.
You must then manually put the three tables specified above for thelanguage-independent data in a transport request. The table contentsshould be transported generically. The request must be exportedimmediately and imported to the standard delivery system.
A request with the above naming convention (Upgrade command file) iscreated implicitly per language for the language-dependent data. Thisrequest must be on the delivery CD for the respective language.

Delivery of another language
When German and English have been exported, you can completely deletethe table contents on the selection screen with the Deletefunction.
Then start the program for the desired language and the currentrelease. Select Only language-dependent data under Dataselection.
A request with the above naming convention is created. This requestmust be exported and put on the documentation contents CD.

Delivery for industry sectors
You must create the data and requests for data for all industry sectorsanalogously to that for the standard sectors.
When importing to an industry system, you must first import the requestfor the standard sector and then the request for the industry sector.
The request for the industry sector overwrites entries for the standardsector. You must therefore mind the order of your entries.