Programme SAP RSIR_REMOVE_CHECKOUT_LOCKS - KPro: Remove Checkout Locks

This program is a component of the Knowledge Provider. It is used byadministrators to remove long-term checkout locks from physicaldocuments.
When Knowledge Provider documents are checked out, or when WebDAV isused for processing, long-term locks are set in the Knowledge Provider.Normally, these locks disappear when the documents in question arechecked back in, when the locks are actively removed, or when theWebDAV client removes the locks. However, incomplete actions - forexample, if the WebDAV client is terminated irregularly - can causeunwanted locks to be left in the system.

This program has two modes of operation:

  • In mode "delete after individual selection", a list of documents with
  • long-terms locks is compiled according to certain criteria. Individualdocuments can then be selected in the list and their locks removed. Thedescription texts for the documents can also be selected and viewed.This mode is particularly suitable for individual cases of obsoletelocks.
    • In mode "Delete directly", a number of documents with long-term locks
    • are identified according to certain criteria, and the locks on all thedocuments are then removed automatically. This mode is usually used inbackground processing. This allows applications that can have long-termlocks only when using WebDAV, to assume that locks that are older than7 days, for example, are obsolete. To do this, a background job can berun that resets all locks on documents belonging to this applicationthat are older than 7 days.

      In mode "Delete directly", after the program has run, a list isdisplayed of the relevant physical documents and the number of deletedlocks in each case.