Programme SAP RSIR_CONTENT_TO_FILESYSTEM_NEW - KPro: Transfer of contents to a file system for virus check

Transfer contents to a file system for virus checking

Document contents are copied to a file system for virus checking.
Normally the file system of the content server is defined directly.First the RFC destination SAPKPROTP_GW, which is used as copy templatefor other RFC destinations, is used. If these default settings are notused ("Use of Gateway data" is marked) or if the RFC destinationSAPKPROTP_GW is not defined, they can be explicitly defined with thedefault parameters for CLIENT-RFC destination. You must always specifythe target directory on the relevant host (and it must also existthere).

Both SAPFTP and SAPHTTP must be installed on the server.

You can restrict the documents to be copied with the "Restrictingdefinitions".

  • The documents are defined using one or more transport requests with the
  • Transport requests option.
    • You can also restrict the following:

    • Document area:
      Mask for document IDs:
      Time of change:
      Last changed by:
      You can also specify the documents to be copied in an explicit documentlist.
      For this option you must mark parameter "Read in documents from thedocument list" and enter the file name (incl. the path) in the Filename field.
      The file should have the following format:
      Document class(1) Document ID(1)
      Document class(1) Document ID(n)
      Document class(m) Document ID(1)
      Document class(m) Document ID(k)