Programme SAP RSINF029 - INFORMIX Tables Information (from systables)

INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables
systables (Table Information)
Column Type Description
tabname CHAR(18) Name of table, view, or synonym
owner CHAR(8) Owner of table(user informix for system
catalog tables and user name for database
partnum INTEGER Tblspace identifier (similar to tabid)
tabid SERIAL System-assigned sequential ID number
(sytem tables 1-24, user tables 100-nnn)
rowsize SMALLINT Row size
ncols SMALLINT Number of columns
nindexes SMALLINT Number of Indexes
nrows INTEGER Number of rows
created DATE Date created
version INTEGER Number that changes when table is altered
tabtype CHAR(1) Table Type:
T = Table
V = View
P = Private Synonym
P = Synonym(in an ANSI compliant db)
S = Synonym
locklevel CHAR(1) Lock mode for a table:
B = Page
P = Page
R = Row
npused INTEGER Number of data pages in used
fextsize INTEGER Size of initial extent in kilobytes
nextsize INTEGER Size of all subsequent extents in
flags SMALLINT Reserved for future use
site CHAR(18) Reserved for future use in online (use to
store NLS data in NLS databases)
dbname CHAR(18) Reserved for future use