Programme SAP RSHELP01 - POV and POH programming demonstration

The example program shows the use of the user-programmed F1 and F4help, which is saved in the flow logic of the initial screen at theevents PROCESS ON HELP-REQUEST (POH) or PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST (POV).
The following function modules are used:

  • for getting selection conditions on the screen;
    • the user-programmed F4 help for an internal table with a complete linkto the ABAP/4 repository;
      • HELP_VALUES_GET_NO_DD_NAME for the
      • user-programmed F4 help for an internal table, which consists ofRepository fields, but has no Repository link.
        The module HELP_DOCU_SHOW_FOR_FIELDshows the user-programmed F1 help - document display.

        Read the parameter and module documentation, before you use thefunction modules in your programs.

        Upper pane
        Leave all fields empty, and choose the F4 help on the first field. Alist of the first 100 values of the table field on the databaseappears.
        Choose Back, and enter values for the fields Object type and Text, e.g.'L' for Object type and 'E*' for Text.
        Choose F4 on the field Object name again. The value list is editedaccording to your restriction conditions.
        Choose a value by double-click. All three fields of the upper pane arefilled with values.
        You can display the table field documentation with F1.
        Middle pane
        Values in an internal table are displayed in the middle pane. Thistable has a complete Dictionary reference, i.e. it can be declared with"LIKE ". The fields transaction code and associated textget values from the function moduleDYNP_VALUES_UPDATE.
        Bottom pane
        Values from an internal table, which does not have a completeDictionary reference, but is a combination of Dictionary fields, aredisplayed in the bottom pane.
        Please notr that in the examples in the middle and bottom panes, theuser must reset the field values (as usual at event POV). The functionHELP_VALUES_GET_EXTEND performs this task for the user in the top paneonly.