Programme SAP RSHD_TV_SCRV_COMP - Compare old and new transaction variants

Comparing New Transaction Variants with Old Ones

The transaction variant concept and transaction variant functionalityhave been reworked for Release 4.6A.
The new functions available made a technical change necessary in howdata is stored. Report RSHD_TV_SCRV_XPRA automatically converts alltransaction variants found in the system to the new technical structurewhen upgrading from Release 3.0x, 3.1x, 4.0x, or 4.5x to Release 4.6x.
Report RSHD_TV_SCRV_COMP allows you to compare old transaction variantswith new ones. If no differences are found, a message is displayed. If,however, differences are present, then they are displayed in listform.
The "cross-client" parameter is valid for both the old and the newvariants: If it is selected, both variants are accepted ascross-client, if it is not selected, then only variants from thecurrent client are compared.