Programme SAP RSGENINVLAS - Regenerate Invalidated Loads

RSGENINVLAS: Automatic Regeneration of Invalidated Loads

To minimize waiting times for users or developers by regeneratinginvalidated loads, you can schedule the report RSGENINVLAS to runperiodically, such as every night. RSGENINVLAS automaticallyregenerates all invalidated ABAP loads for every machine type thatexists in your system.

  • The load of an object is invalidated if, since the time the load was
  • generated, activated changes were made to the object or to objects usedby this object, such as includes or tables.
    • The load format depends on the machine type.
    • Prerequisites
      ABAP loads can be invalidated for a variety of reasons. Typical causesduring operation are:

      • Activating a DDIC object invalidates the loads of all ABAP objects that
      • use the DDIC object.
        • After changing and activating an ABAP object, only the load for the
        • machine type of the current server is generated. The load for othermachine types in a heterogenous system remains invalidated.
          • Importing Support Packages (SPAM)
          • leads to the invalidation of the loads ofthe ABAP objects that are contained in the Support Packages. Inaddition, the DDIC import means that the load of the user of theimported DDIC objects must be regenerated.
            • When importing transports, the load of the imported ABAP objects and
            • the user of the transported DDIC objects also become invalidated.
              • Applying kernel Patches may lead to the invalidation of all loads.
              • Features

                To use the functions of RSGENINVLAS, you must schedule the report withjob name RSGENINVLAS to run periodically in the background (forexample, SE38 -> Execute -> Background -> Schedule -> Scheduleperiodically). We recommend that you schedule the report for times whenthe system load is low, such as every night.

                How It Works
                At runtime, RSGENINVLAS automatically defines the invalidated loads ofthe possible different machine types in your system. It then starts theparallel generation (report RSPARAGENER8 oftransaction SGEN), where it incorporates the available servers of yoursystem into the parallel processing, for each machine type.
                When you call transaction SGEN while the report RSGENINVLAS is running,you are given information on the Job Monitorscreen regarding the progress of the generation. Here you can alsostop the current generation, if required. For more information, see thejob logs of the jobs RSGENINVLAS and RSPARAGENER8 (you can view thesefrom Job Overview on the Job Monitor screen, or by calling transactionSM37).
                The date and number of generated objects of each run of the report isstored in the table GEN_HISTORY. The entries areordered chronologically for each machine type, giving you a compactoverview of the regenerations of invalidated loads.
                The report RSGENINVLAS enhances the functions of the SAP Load Generator(transaction SGEN) by including the automatic regeneration of allinvalidated loads. The advantages of this are:

                • The generation effort of the user / developer is kept to a minimum.

                • The generation runs for example at night, or at other times where the
                • system load is low.
                  • To implement the functions of RSGENINVLAS, you only have to schedule
                  • the report to run periodically.
                    • Memory space problems in the database, which would cause the system
                    • administrator to get involved, cannot occur, since purely invalidatedloads are regenerated.
                      For detailed information about the SAP Load Generator, choose the infobuttons on the initial screen and Job Monitor screen of transactionSGEN.

589124Performance improvements when Support Package imported
438038Automatic regeneration of invalidated loads