Programme SAP RSEXARCR - IDoc Archive Read Program

The read program is intended for evaluating archived IDocs. Anintermediate document (IDoc) archive is read using the archiveinterface. This only accesses the control records and the linkinformation stored for the read IDocs. The archive is selected usingthe file selection of archive administration. The read program returnsthe following fields of the control record in the log list:

  • Message type

  • Message code

  • Message function

  • Status

  • Date and time of last status update

  • Direction

  • Number

  • The display also includes whether links to the IDoc have been archived.

    A log is generated which contains the most important fields in thecontrol records of the read IDocs. The log also contains the totalnumber of IDocs read.

40088EDI/IDoc: Deleting and reorganizing IDocs