Programme SAP RSEXARCL - Reload program IDoc archive

The reload program writes all IDocs of an archive to the system. Italso calls module ARCHIVE_RELOAD_OBJECT_DATA.
Before reloading, the module EDI_IDOC_RELOADABLE is called. Thischecks:

  • Whether the current client corresponds to the clients from which the
  • data originates. This prevents data being entered in the wrong client.
    • Whether an IDoc with this number already exists in the database.

    • The reloaded IDocs cannot be distinguished from IDocs that have neverbeen archived. Depending on your requirements, you must organize yourprocedures to prevent reloaded IDocs from being archived again byperiodic archiving jobs.

      A log is generated, which contains the most important fields in thecontrol records of the IDocs that have been read. The number of IDocsis also produced in the log.

40088EDI/IDoc: Deleting and reorganizing IDocs