Programme SAP RSEXARCA - IDoc Archiving: Write Program

The archiving program selects IDocs for archiving and writes them to anarchive. You can subsequently delete the archived IDocs with a separateprogram.
Using the various selection parameters you can select specific IDocsfor archiving. Note here the difference between the last status changeand the date of IDoc creation. The IDoc number is also important.
The archiving program selects sufficient IDocs for the selectionparameters, and archives them using the function moduleEDI_ARCHIVE_IDOCS. After archiving, the system displaysstatistics regarding the IDocs that have actually been archived.
There can also be IDocs in the selection table with the status thatdoes not allow archiving. In status maintenance youset which statuses are archivable and which are not. This is the casein the standard system.
Only use the archiving program if the IDocs were not activated throughthe application. You must make sure that no IDocs are activated thatstill might be needed by the application.

A log is generated in which the most important fields from the controlrecords of the archived IDocs are located. It also outputs the numberof archived IDocs.
o Direction

  • o IDoc number

  • The archiving program compiles the list of IDoc numbers which weredefined by the selection criteria and passes these to the module'EDI_ARCHIVE_IDOCS'which then archives the IDocs.
    A log is output after archiving listing the IDocs which were actuallyarchived. The selection list can also contain IDocs whose status doesnot allow archiving. Which status values can be archived and whichcannot is currently defined explicitly by the FORM routine'INITIALIZE_STATUS_QUALITY' in the function group 'EDIA', theimplementation of the archiving class and the archiving programfunctionality. This ensures that IDocs with status values intended forfurther processing are not archived.
    Only use this archiving program for IDocs if the IDocs are not archivedby the application. You need to ensure that IDocs are not archivedwhich may still be required by the application.

    A log is generated in which the most important fields in the controlrecords of archived IDocs are output. The total number of archivedIDocs is also output.

40088EDI/IDoc: Deleting and reorganizing IDocs