Programme SAP RSEURO - Euro Conversion

You use this program to convert currencies in a loaded InfoCube to EURO.
It converts the currencies of euro accession countries to EURO. Keep inmind that you can cause inconsistencies if you convert currencies in theR/3 system and use this program to convert them again in BW. Wetherefore recommend that after converting the currency to EURO in yourR/3 systems, you load the data into BW again.
The current version of the program also converts InfoObjects with fixedcurrency units.
Data stored in the ODS or IDoc is not converted by this program.
Composite SAP Note 120420 deals with the general topic of euro conversio
n. This SAP Note explains, for example, how you maintain the currencyexchange rates for the euro.
Maintain the euro exchange rate in BW, or if you have already maintained
it in your R/3 system, load the currency exchange rate into BW. Do thisin the Administrator Workbench, by choosing the source system tab pageand right-clicking the appropriate source system to select the transferexchange rate option.
After you have maintained or loaded the euro exchange rate, you can call
program RSEURO.
The following information describes the program and how you work with it
The procedure for converting to euros involves two steps. In the first s
tep, you select the key figures and InfoCubes that you want to convert;in the second step, a background process is started to convert theInfoCubes.
Step 1:
In the first step, you specify the InfoCubes and key figures that you wa
nt to convert. This involves two tasks. You select key figures and youselect InfoCubes. For each InfoCube, you first have to specify which keyfigures from this InfoCube you want to convert to euro (menu option KeyFigures -> Select).
After you have done this, you can select specific InfoCubes (menu option
Data Targets -> Select) from the InfoCubes (for which you want toconvert key figures). These InfoCubes are converted when the backgroundprocess is called by choosing Conversion -> Execute Batch.
You proceed in a similar way for fixed currencies. If a fixed currency i
s assigned to an InfoObject, all InfoCubes for this InfoObject thatcontain the InfoObject with the fixed currency also have to be convertedwhen you convert to euro. You cannot convert these InfoCubes separately.Choose Key Figures -> Fixed Currencies and select the InfoObjects thatyou later want to convert to euro. Under the InfoObjects, all InfoCubesin which this InfoObject occurs are listed. If a key figure with fixedcurrencies is used in an InfoCube and as an attribute of anotherInfoObject, the values of the attribute for the InfoObject are notconverted. However, the currency is displayed in euro after theconversion. To prevent inconsistencies, the values of the attribute haveto be converted to euro manually.
Key figures that have currencies as master data attributes cannot be con
verted by this program; only key figures in InfoCubes and PSA can beconverted.
With fixed currencies, you then select the InfoObjects that you want toconvert in the next background process (by choosing Data Targets - > Sel
ect Fixed Currency).
Here is a more detailed description of the two steps:
Key Figures -> Select:
Start program RSEURO.
The system displays all active InfoCubes. InfoCubes that cannot be read,
for example, because they are inactive, are displayed at the end of thelist.
For each InfoCube, all key figures that reference a currency unit InfoOb
ject are listed. For each InfoCube, you specify which key figures youlater want to convert to euro by selecting the checkbox for the relevantkey figures.
Save your entries. When the program is called again, the entries that ha
ve already been done are displayed as already selected.
In the status column, you can see whether a key figure is: not yet conve
rted ( ), partially converted (1), or completely converted (2).
Select the checkbox again to deselect selected key figures. You cannot d
eselect key figures that are already completely converted (2).
If more than one key figure references the same unit InfoObject in an In
foCube, either all or none of the key figures have to be converted toeuro. The key figures are listed for each InfoCube and are grouped bythe unit InfoObject. If you have not selected all the key figures thatreference the same unit InfoObject, when you save or press ENTER, youwill be asked whether you want to select or deselect all key figures.
When you save your entries, you can return to your old entries by restar
ting program RSEURO.
To convert the key figures in an InfoCube to euro, you must perform this
step (Key Figures -> Select). You can then perform the second step bychoosing InfoCubes -> Select in the menu.
Menu option Key Figures -> Fixed Currencies:
On this screen, you can select key figures to which a fixed currency isassigned. Under each key figure, all InfoCubes that contain the key figu
re are displayed. For InfoObjects of this type, all InfoCubes that usethis InfoObject have to be converted together. You cannot performseparate conversions in separate background processes. When all theaffected InfoCubes have been successfully converted, the fixed currencyof the InfoObject is set to EURO.
Menu option Data Targets -> Select InfoCubes:
The system displays all the InfoCubes for which key figures have been se
lected for conversion (see step Key Figures -> Select). For eachInfoCube, only those key figures that were selected for conversion aredisplayed. InfoCubes that have already been converted are not displayed.To display these InfoCubes, choose Data Targets -> Display Convertedfrom the menu.
If the conversion of an InfoCube terminates before it completes, the Inf
oCube has status 1 - partially converted. InfoCubes with this status arealready selected and cannot be deselected. The next time the InfoCube isconverted, the system restarts the conversion from the point at which ithad terminated.
Select the InfoCubes that you want to convert to euro the next time thebackground process is called.
InfoCubes that have already been selected are displayed as previously se
If you do not want to convert any of these InfoCubes yet, you can desele
ct them.
Your entries are retained when you save. Before you choose Conversion ->
Execute Batch, you must save your entries. When the background processis called, it is the saved status that is relevant.
Menu option Data Targets -> Select Fixed Currencies
The system displays all key figures with a fixed currency that were sele
cted for conversion in the Key Figures -> Fixed Currencies step (seesection Key Figures -> Fixed Currencies). Under each key figure, all theInfoCubes that contain the key figure are displayed. InfoObjects with afixed currency that have already been converted are not displayed. Todisplay these InfoObjects, choose Data Targets -> Display Converted fromthe menu.
After key figures with fixed currencies have been converted, you must re
generate any queries that contain these key figures. You do this intransaction RSRT by choosing the Regenerate icon. Generate all queriesfor InfoCubes that contain the key figures.
Menu option Data Targets -> Display Converted
The system displays all InfoCubes that have already been converted. Theconverted key figures are listed for each InfoCube. The status indicates
whether the conversion was successful (status = 2) or only partiallysuccessful (status = 1).
Step 2:
Menu option Conversion -> Execute Batch
After you complete the steps to select key figures and InfoCubes, you ca
n start the background process to convert the selected InfoCubes. ChooseConversion -> Execute Batch.
The program that performs the actual conversion of key figures in the da
tabase is RS_EURO_CONVERTER. This program reads the InfoCubes and keyfigures that are to be converted from table RSEURO. The table is filledby program RSEURO.
The program first calculates the currency exchange rate using tables TCU
RR and TCURX. It is assumed that the exchange rates in table TCURR aremaintained with the KURSTYP 'EURO' and that 'EUR' is used as thecurrency description for the EURO. Both names are defined as constants(G_C_KURSTYP or G_C_EURO_CHAVL) in program RS_EURO_CONVERTER and have tobe modified in the program code if the system setting is different.
For performance reasons, the secondary index of the unit dimension is de
leted from the fact table before the actual conversion. It isautomatically created again when the conversion has finishedsuccessfully.
For data consistency reasons, all aggregates in the fact table are deact
ivated. Aggregates are not converted to euro because this can producedifferent results in reporting due to rounding differences, depending onwhether the system reads directly from the fact table or from theaggregate. Since it can take a while to rebuild the aggregates,depending on number and size, they are not automatically reconstructedafter conversion; reconstruction has to be scheduled separately.
During the actual conversion, the system runs through the entire fact ta
ble once and converts the affected key figures in accordance with theexchange rates. Records are only converted if they have a currency fromone of the accession countries to the monetary union; records with otherunits are not changed. If there is an overflow when a key figure isconverted, the complete record is not converted.
To prevent an overflow of rollback segments in the database, the convert
ed records are 'committed' at regular intervals. However, the fact tablestatus is guaranteed to be consistent at all times. If a conversion runfails, the InfoCube can be rescheduled for conversion; when the programis called again, only those records that were not changed by an earlierrun are converted.
Menu option Conversion -> Log
A log is written when the background process is executed. You can view t
he log by choosing Conversion -> Log. Enter the name of the executinguser and restrict the dates accordingly.

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