Programme SAP RSENQRR2 - Display and Management of Lock Entries

This function displays locks on data objects and also deletes anyentries.
*** Caution when deleting lock entries ***
When you delete lock entries, several users may attempt to access theunprotected data at the same time and risk destroying it. Therefore,you should ensure that the function that set the lock(s) is no longeractive before deleting any entries.
The SAP lock concept is described in detailin the documentation (SAP Library).
SAP NetWeaver Components -> Application Platform (SAP WebApplication Server) -> ABAP Technology -> Client/Server Technology ->The SAP Lock Concept.

Lock management must be operational.
Within distributed server/client architecture, lock management existson a central application server. It can operate on decentralized dialogservers only if there is a connection to the central application serverand that central application server contains lock management.

The lock entries displayed are those that satisfy the selectionconditions. You can specify selection conditions generically. See thehelp function for input fields.

79084Syslog: Error when writing the lock handler file