Programme SAP RSEINB10 - SAP IDoc: Receive IDocs from R/2 System Using CPI-C

This report allows IDocs to be received from an R/2 System. IDocs aretransported according to the log for IDoc transfer described in the R/2Handbook S53.2.
The IDocs transferred are separated from the data flow, saved andtransferred to the relevant application, i.e. the business processcorresponding to each IDoc is started.
Status records for received IDocs can be sent to the R/2 System whichsent the IDocs. Settings for this process are entered via the portdefinition.
The technical attributes for data transfer are still specified in theport definition, i.e. CPI-C buffer size.
This report is usually scheduled via a job and not started online.
To send status records with a time delay, you should schedule reportRSESTA10.

CPI-C connection between the R/2 and SAP systems.