Programme SAP RSEIDOCC - EDI Statistics - Error History

In the error statistics history, all of the existing status values ofan IDoc are evaluated.
All IDocs that satisfy the selection criteria and for which an errorstatus has been logged or which currently have an error status arerecorded. Complex value sets can be defined for the individualselection fields using the selection options.
The selection criteria are entered in the same ways as the extendedstatistics.

The result is a statistics output mask with various status ranges andthe associated counter readings. IDocs whose current status valuescannot be assigned are recorded in a separate counter field.
If you branch to the detail list, the IDocs recorded for the respectivearea are listed individually.

The list can be structured as follows:
IDocs Total ,,12
Outbound ,,8,,Inbound ,,4
Currently with error,,8,,Currently with error ,,1
Error corrected ,,0,,Error corrected ,,2
With deletion ind. ,,0,,With deletion ind. ,,1
In this example, all of the IDocs could be assigned to status groups.