Programme SAP RSECATT_MASS_COPY - eCATT - Copy Test Scripts and Test Configurations

Copy selected eCATT test scrips or test configurations.


Select test scripts and test configurations to be copied using theobject name with the usual selection options und the value help ineCATT.
All object hierarchies are resolved during selection [TestConfiguration] -> Test Script -> REF.
Substring replacement (If the object name of the copy becomes too long,the name is reduced to the maximum length at the end.)
Prefix and suffix (If the object name prefix of the copy becomes toolong, the name is reduced to the maximum length at the end. If a suffixis used, the end of the object name is reduced till the suffix fits.)

Object hierarchies are resolved. The object names are adjusted for therenamed copies at the calling positions.
The result of the selection is displayed in a list, including the objectname of the original, the copy, and the title. The list also specifieswhether the object can be copied and the reason for rejecting the copy -for example, "Test case is original in #" or "Test case ## alreadyexists".

You can change the object names of the copy in case of an error.
You can turn on or off the copy process for one or all objects.
The display can be updated after implementing changes.
You can click the object name to display details on the object.
You can store copies in a package or transport request specified by theuser or save them as local/private objects.