Programme SAP RSDXPRA30 - XPRA BW data basis for Rel. 3.0

XPRA BW Databasis for BW Rel. 3.0 (InfoCubes and Aggregates)

On a small scale, this XPRA modifies and supplements source tables forInfoCubes and aggregates so that they satisfy the new functions in BWRel. 3.0. The actions do not demand that the user interact in any way.They are purely technical and can be repeated at any time.
Only those people very interested in technical matters should readbeyond this point.
In detail, the following actions take place:
The cube type "virtual" and the new cube sub type are set for (SAP- andnormal) Remote Cubes
Service flags in the table RSDCUBE are set to default for SAP RemoteCubes.
The (newly introduced) highcard flag for dimensions is set for lineitem dimensions.
newly introduced flags in the RSMDATASTATE are set to default.
the maximum depth is calculated and noted for time dependenthierarchies.
The direct fill flag is set in the rsddaggrdir.
