Programme SAP RSDS_REPL_RESET - Deleting and Replicating DataSources Not Used

The program allows you to newly replicate DataSources not yet used inreplicating source systems (SAP source systems), so that you cansimultaneously change the object type for many DataSources.
If for example, DataSources from the object concept (R3TR RSDS) introduc
ed with SAP NetWeaver 2004s are replicated, although DataSources 3.x(R3TR ISFS) are required - or the other way around -, you can conver
t the affected DataSources.
Alternatively, you can convert each DataSource individually into therespectively different object type in DataSource maintenance(transaction RSDS), using Migration DataSource 3.x -> DataSourceor DataSource 3.x Recovery in the DataSource menu.

Note that the object type of a DataSource can, for example be determinedby the existence of Content Mappings or Content DataSources, thereforeautomatic conversion using this program is not possible.
For more information, see the documentation.

The program deletes all DataSources of the specified source system thatare not used and for which there is no TADIR entry, and replicates themagain.
Optionally, the required object type (RSDS/ISFS) can be specified as aparameter. If it is not specified, a dialog box appears during replicati
on for DataSources whose object type is not determined. In this dialogbox, you can decide for individual or all DataSources, whether they aresaved as a DataSource (R3TR RSDS) or a DataSource 3.x (R3TR ISFS).
In Content development systems, you can also remove the shadow objects(R3TR SHDS), which do not have an object catalog entry, otherwise it isnot possible to delete the A versions. In addition, the optionRemove SHDS Without TADIR must be chosen.

After replication, a dialog box with a log that shows if and how aDataSource, including object version, was changed, appears.
You can save the log using OK and delete it using Cancel .The saved log is under RSAR, METADATA, REPL_RESET.