Programme SAP RSDRT_INFOPROV_RANDOM_QUERIES - Simple Queries Generated and Executed

With this program, a sequence of simple queries can be generatedand executed randomly.
You can execute, record and compare this sequencewith one that was recorded previously. To reproduce an error, it isalso possible to "replay" a certain query of a sequence.

Choose an InfoProvider that contains data.

  • 020
    Specify the name of the InfoProvider here for which the queriesare to be generated.

    • 030
      Specify the number of queries here that is to be generated.

      • 040
        Here, specify a start value for the random number generator. This mustbe an integer that is not equal to 0. This value determines a sequenceof random numbers. This value can be used to reproduce a randomsequence.

        • 050
          Here you can specify the time in seconds between execution ofqueries.

          • 060
            If you enter a value here that is not equal to 0, only the query statedwill be executed from the sequence.

            • 070
              This option is only relevant if the InfoProvider entered above is anInfoCube: Here you can select whether aggregates should be usedin query execution or not.

              • 080
                Here you can specify whether the result of the sequence is to be savedas a trace. A sequence is uniquely characterized by the first threeparameters, that is, the InfoProvider, the number of queries and thestart value of the random number generator.
                Any result that has already been recorded for the same sequence(InfoProviders, queries, start value) will be overwritten.
                Here you can activate or deactivate debug mode.

                • 100
                  Here you can force comparison of the specified sequence of querieswith a sequence recorded earlier (as available).The standard comparison includes:
                  Number of results rows
                  Average of all key figure values

                  • 110
                    Here you can force another comparison with a sequence recordedpreviously, that is, the comparison of query execution times. Youcan specify what max. percentage slower the query currently beingexecuted can be compared to the one that was recorded previously.

1045741BIA check for random queries