Programme SAP RSDG_IOBJ_REORG - Repair InfoObjects

Repair of InfoObjects (metadata)

From the selection screen you can select whether the repair is to bemade in the test mode or if it is to be really made. By default, thetest mode is active. This means that only the inconsistencies aredisplayed. However, no changes are made to the database. Choose thismode if you want to get an overview. To make repairs, you have toswitch to the "Execute Repair" mode.
With the "Expert Mode" pushbutton, you can specify more exactly what ischecked or repaired. The following selection options are possible:

Checks for all InfoObjects:

  • Deletion of InfoObjects without a reference characteristic

  • All InfoObjects that do not refer to an existing referencecharacteristic are deleted
    • Deletion of local properties

    • The local properties for characteristics that no longer exist aredeleted. The local properties are not transported, but rather areadjusted normally in the transport subsequent processing.
      • Creation of local properties

      • The local properties for a characteristic are created, if necessary.
        • Check consistency

        • The entries are checked to see if they fit with each other in thedifferent InfoObject tables.
          • Complete missing entries

          • Table fields that have an invalid value are filled with the defaultvalue.
            • Fill table with InfoObject maintenance fields

            • All of the fields that are able to be maintained in the dialog arecollected in the table designed for this. This is only important forcontrolling the cursor in the InfoObject maintenance.
              • Repair conversion routines for time characteristics

              • The correct conversion routines are entered for the timecharacteristics.

                Check generated objects (for specific InfoObjects)
                In contrast to the checks described above, the following checks areonly valid for the InfoObjects specified in the "InfoObjects" field. Bydefault, nothing is entered in this field, meaning that all InfoObjectsare checked.
                The objects that are generated for the InfoObjects are checked.Specifically, these are as follows:

                • Check DDIC objects

                • The generated DDIC objects (tables, data elements, domains, views, andsearch helps) are checked to see if they are active. If some of theseobjects are inactive, the InfoObjects affected are activated. In doingso, the DDIC objects are then created or repaired. However, thisactivation only occurs if the "Activate Inconsistent InfoObjects"checkbox is switched on.
                  • Create local TADIR entries

                  • Local ($TMP) object catalog entries are created for the generated(DDIC) objects. Without these entries, the objects would be lost duringthe upgrade. Incorrect entries might be created.
                    • Check number range

                    • The number range for SIDs and hierarchy SIDs are checked and, ifnecessary, are created or repaired.
                      • Deletion of DDIC/DB objects

                      • DDIC objects and database tables that are no longer used, but weregenerated for an InfoObject, are deleted. In doing so, you can stillselect whether the objects are then also deleted if they are still usedin other DDIC objects.

                        A log with the executed checks or repairs is displayed.

1060394Missing values of navigational attributes in reporting