Title Report for the Administration of Crystal Reports. Purpose You can use this report to administer Crystal Reports. The report permits mass-publication of reports on Crystal Enterprise,as well as the mass-deletion of Crystal Reports. You can either selectindividual Crystal Reports or use the buttons to select all inactive orall active reports. Within this administration report, a Crystal Reportis seen as inactive when the last publishing attempt was notsuccessful. As well as the technical properties of the report, the query name andthe InfoCube of the corresponding BW query can also be seen in thedisplay. If a Crystal Report was not defined on the basis of a BWquery, these columns can also be empty. If several BW queries were usedto define the Crystal Report, the corresponding columns are filled withan asterisk ('*'). Double-click on a report to get a dialog box thatdisplays all BW queries and InfoCubes, on the basis of which theCrystal Report was defined. In the selection screen you can restrictthe number of reports to be administered to a particular role. Features |