Purpose This program allows documents to be exported from one repository on anSAP content server into a KPro transport file. The documents areselected using a document ID list located in a file on the applicationserver or front end. A KPro transport file created in this way can be used for example, forimporting documents into a different repository with program RSCMSIM.The target repository may also belong to a different SAP system. Prerequisites To perform the export, program sapkprotp is required. Normally thisprogram is available on each application server. Features Sapkprotp is addressed via an RFC destination. The host on whichsapkprotp is running, is determined by the RFC destination. Selection When you start the program specify the name of the transport file. The file should be named from the view of the host on which sapkprotp isrunning. Also specify the name of the file containing the list of documents to beexported. The file can either be located on the application server onwhich you are executing this program, or on the front end. A logicalfile name can also be specified here. You have to specify the category to be exported as well. The repositoryis determined automatically to match the category from Customizing, ifit has not already been explicitly specified. If there is no categoryfor the repository, enter a category relevant for the target repositoryand enter the source repository directly. If there is no category forthe target repository either, enter a name of your choice as a placeholder (avoid using names of categories exist in the target system.) Output After the documents have been exported, you will receive a log tellingyou whether the export has been successful. |