Purpose The aim of the XPRA is to resolve data inconsistencies in partitionedInfoCubes for non-cumulatives. Integration For the affected InfoCubes, markers in the E fact table are adjusted byan UPDATE or a DELETE/INSERT in the partitioning column. This moves themarkers to a different table partition (MDC cluster for DB2 UDB). If errors occur, the upgrade does not terminate but an error message isdisplayed. After the upgrade, InfoCubes for which adjustment terminatedwith errors can be adjusted using program RSCDS_MOVE_REFPOINTS. For moreinformation, see SAP Note 906297. Prerequisites The XPRA is only relevant if you are using an IBM database or MSSQL.Before the conversion, only partitioned (MDC for DB2 UDB) non-cumulativeInfoCubes are affected in which the non-cumulative-bearingcharacteristic (field NCUMTIM in table RSDCUBE) is the same as thepartitioning characteristic (field PARTTIM in table RSDCUBE). |