Purpose The report deletes recipient or sender records that have been created inthe system but not assigned to a send request. This means they cannot bedeleted using the normal reorganization of the BCS data. Prerequisites We recommend starting the normal reorganization (RSBCS_REORG) beforestarting the report, but this is not mandatory. Features The report only deletes entries from tables BCST_CAM, BCST_BOR, andBCST_PRT that have no connection to send requests. This means that noinconsistencies arise since the data is normally only used in connectionwith send requests. However, it cannot be ruled out that applicationprograms (possibly a customer's) do not inadvertently reference thisdata. We therefore recommend backing up the tables. The entries of table BCST_CAM contain keys for addresses of BusinessCommunication Services (BCS). As a rule, each entry has a where-usedlist for a BAS address. These references and the corresponding addressesare not deleted by the report, but can be deleted by report RSBCS_ADRVP(or its predecessor RSSOADRV). Due to the issues mentioned in theprevious section, this should not be done straight after the run. The report uses the table SREQRORG for temporary storage. This alsohappens in test mode, where no other database changes are made. At theend of the run, the stored data is deleted again. If any data remainsafter a termination, it is deleted automatically when the report is nextstarted. Alternatively, you can start the report using the option "OnlyDelete Temporary Data Generated by This Report" (table SREQRORG). |