There are performance problems when sending or receiving e-mails usingSAPconnect. The process overview shows that programs starting withSAPLSZ* are very time-intensive.

When direct addresses are created in Business Address Services (BAS), awhere-used list (a reference to the table in which the address is used)has to be transferred. In certain cases, the referenced table cannot bedetermined at the time of creation, and a dummy reference (to the tableADRP) is transferred. Addresses with such references cannot be deletedduring reorganization (RSBCS_REORG) and always remain in the system. Inthe current release, dummy references are only used very rarely.
If there are many different addresses in the system, this can have anegative effect on performance when sending or receiving usingSAPconnect.

The report RSBCS_ADRVP can delete address references to direct addressesthat are no longer used. If there are no other references afterdeletion, the complete direct address is deleted.
Before an address is deleted, RSBCS_ADRVP checks whether it is stillused in tables of BCS (for example, BCST_CAM, SOES, SOOS, SOOD). In somecases, there is no distinct where-used list, so all relevant tables mustbe checked for each address. We therefore recommend starting the reportin a batch, since it may have a long runtime.

The report contains three parameters, which correspond to the parametersof the same name in report RSBCS_REORG:

  • Package size

  • Number of table records that are read and processed by table ADRVP atthe same time.
    • Maximum number of hits

    • Maximum number of addresses to be deleted. You can set this to restrictruntime.
      • Test mode

      • If this field is selected, no database changes will be made.

        The named addresses are only deleted by report RSBCS_ADRVP if therelated send requests no longer exist. Therefore, it makes sense tostart the report after reorganization (report RSBCS_REORG).
        The following indexes should be present and active for the run:

        • Index ADR to field ADRNR of table SOES

        • Index SNM to fields MANDT and SNDNAM of table SOOS

        • Index OWN to fields MANDT and OWNNAM of table SOOD

1050478Deleting direct addresses with phantom references