Description You can use this program to execute SM58 entries according to your ownselection criteria. You can select by user, period, and entry status.
- Communication errors: >LUWs in which a communication error
occurred during transmission.
- Recorded: >LUWs that have been recorded but not yet sent, because
the system was switched off after the recording.
- System error: >A serious error has occurred in the target system
(short dump, error message)
- Being transmitted: >The LUW is currently being transmitted. If
this status lasts for hours, a transmission error has occurred (rollfile full, out of memory, system stopped). You should only tranmitthese entries using this program unless the "No entries younger than"selection is considerably greater than the processing time for a singleentry. Otherwise, you risk selecting and sending entries for a secondtime. As a rule, 30 minutes is sufficient. You must not, under anycircumstances, choose this option if the report is scheduled as abackground job. When large amounts of data are transmitted, it canoften occur that the report starts even though the old job is notfinished. This can lead to multiple transmission!>
- Terminated due to system overload: >If an LUW has been recorded
but not yet sent due to system overload (all dialog work processes areoccupied), a background job is scheduled for immediate dispatch. Ifthis background job has been cancelled (for example because system hasbeen restarted), you can use this option to restart all LUWs cancelleddue to overload.
- Tempory application error: >a temporary error (for example, a
lock problem) has been reported by the application from the targetsystem. This error is treated as a connection error.
- Serious application error: >a serious error has been reported by
the application from the target system. This error is treated as asystem error.