Programme SAP RSADRLSM02 - Fill regional structure with postal code, city, streets, ...

Read in postal codes, cities, districts, streets, PO Boxes

This program puts data in the regional structure, i.e. reads postalcodes, cities, districts, streets, PO Boxes and their objects fromexternal media into the SAP System, independently of the format andstructure of the external data.

This program processes files of a particular internal format. Such filescan be created from external source data with the LSM Workbench, usingvarious pre-defined transfer objects. The LSM Workbench is used as amapping tool which maps the data structures of various external media atthe interface of this program. This makes the program independent of theformat of the external data.
The LSM Workbench (Release 1.0 or higher) must be installed.
The procedure is described in note 132948.

Data entry
The data to be processed is read directly from the application server.The logical name of the data to be processed must be specified. The filenames are specified per object (city, street, ...), i.e. it must be madeknown, in which file the streets, in which the cities, etc. are passed.If several or all objects are passed in one file, the same logical filename must be specified several times.
The Logical file name definition and thephysical file name and path assignment can be performed with the LSMWorkbench.
A log is created during processing. It is written to an applicationserver file together with statistics of objects read and created, forfurther processing.
An existing logical file name must be specified.
The log file is line-oriented, i.e. it can be read record by record. Seealso the ABAP command OPEN DATASET dsn IN TEXTMODE documentation.
Default creation language/country key
The default creation language and country for which the data are to becreated must be specified.
Storage restiction
To avoid a storage overflow, you can specify an approximate value inkilobytes for how big an internal table in ABAP memory can becomewithout endangering the program.
The specified default value should only be changed if absolutelynecessary.
Internal and external number assignment
This program uses external number assignment, but in rare cases certainobjects cannot be created consistently with external numbers. If the'internal number assignment' flag is set, the object indicated iscreated with another number, which is logged. Otherwise such objects arenot created.
Restart after program cancellation
If the program is cancelled, you can restart processing later where itwas cancelled. This position can either be automatically determined orspecified directly. The manually entered position is not reprocessed,processing restarts with the next record.


  • The program should run in the background with variants, because reading
  • the data can take a long time.
    • The steps required for reading data into the regional structure are
    • described in detail in note 132948.
      • It also describes how the data read in can be updated later.

333899Latest version of report RSADRLSM02
952613RSADRLSM02 : Problem on change of city and street code
794188Program RSADRLSM02: Text elements
970711Internal call error for SZRS_S_ADRSTREET_CHANGE
836456ADRPOBOX: Correction Report for Overlapping Interval
785749LSMW: Mapping for report RSADRLSM02
700427RSADRLSM02 - IS-U data with street key change
594728Regional SAP structure: Retrospective address validation
519755Importing postal code data is slow
334600Log output for report RSADRLSM02
333954Conversion postal code data using LSM Workbench 1.0