Programme SAP RSADRCK2 - User without address (mass update)

- RSADRCK2 (available for Rel. 4.0B) (test run, w/o updates, possible)
Mass update (users w/o addresses)
Users are transported for 4.0B without addresses.
This report creates "dummy" addresses for the users.
It also solves the problem of non-existent addresses which are pointed
to in USR21.
° Program flow:
- get default address number (USADDEF). If this does not exist,
it is created (incl. where-used list).
- read the complete USR21
- divide into records with/without address pointer
* Records without address pointers:
- get "left-over" addresses (FB SUSR_USER_FIND_ADDR_FOR_CREATE)
- assemble at least the last name
- write "complex" addresses into local memory
- prepare USR21 update (with new address pointers)
- any remnants of this address/person number in the BAS tables are
cleaned up
* Records with address pointers.
- get address/person number for array select in int. table
- compare INPUT / OUTPUT (does an address exist for each key?)
* if not: proceed as for "Records without address pointers"
- assign new numbers for the persons
- write USR21
- write local memory address data to DB
- output log

459763Data inconsistency in table USR21