Programme SAP RREGCH_VT_CONDENSE_SAVE - Substance Volume Tracking: Save Tracked Quantities in Property Tree

You use this program to transfer the confirmed and condensed quantitiesof tracked substances from the tables CCRCT_PR, CCRCT_CO, CCRCT_PU, andCCRCT_SO to the property tree for the tracked substances. This transferof data is necessary, for example, if you want to archive the quantitiesafter a monitoring period has elapsed.
Only non-historical data is transferred.
Normally, only confirmed quantities are transferred. If plannedquantities are also to be included, then the environment parameter S
VT_ARCHIVE_PLAN_DATA must be set for each regulatory list.
For example, environment parameter SVT_ARCHIVE_PLAN_DATA = REACH;X hasthe effect that planned quantities are added up and transferred togetherwith the confirmed quantities for the REACH regulatory list.
The function module for Data Transferdetermines the aggregation level.
Data delete is only carried out for each tracked substance, if thetransfer of the quantities of tracked substances was successful.
If you do not set the Retain Last Entry
indicator, the program deletes from the tables all historicalquantity entries that were transferred. You should therefore run thisprogram only if the historical tracked quantities are no longerrequired, that is when a monitoring period is ended. If you want totransfer the tracked quantities within a monitoring period, for example,within the current year, set the Retain Last Entry indicator. Setthe Data Retentionindicator, if no data is tobe deleted from the substance volume tracking table.

The program uses the function modules that you specified in Customizingfor Substance Volume Tracking in the IMG activitySpecify Data Transfer (Property Tree) inthe following fields:

  • Value Assignment Type for Condensed
  • Quantities
    • Data Transfer

1476605Incorrect error message regarding unit of measurement
1390152Data loss occurs when archiving terminates