Programme SAP RQRQAX00 - Conversion of QualNotif Insp Setup Data Release <3.0 After Release 3.0

This program converts archive files for the object QM_CONTROL frompre-3.0 Releases to Release 3.0.
In particular, the following data is affected by the conversion:

  • Status management of the inspection lots

  • Change documents that were previously archived as real segments of the
  • logical database PGQ are converted into the new structure of thearchiving class.
    Archive files that were successfully converted are assigned the status"converted" and cannot be used in further conversions.
    For performance reasons, you should plan the program as a backgroundjob. Create a program variant for this that contains the appropriatearchive runs.
    You can determine the numbers of the archive runs if you start theprogram online in test mode without entering the archive run. A dialogbox appears, in which the runs that can be converted are displayed.

    You must have archives pre-dating Release 3.0.

    You can create a test list if you start the program online in testmode.