Programme SAP RQRQAB00 - Archiving of QM Transaction Data, Setting Archiving Flag

Archiving QM Movement Data: Initial Run Program

This executable program marks inspection lots as lot blocked forarchiving and deletes the respective inspection lot number from theworklist for subsystems. After the program has run, you can no longerchange the inspection lots.

Inspection lots must be cancelled or contain a usage decision (in datarecord QAVE, field VCODE contains an entry and the status inspectioncompletion is set). In additon, the following conditions must also befulfilled:

  • The last change to the usage decision must have occured before the
  • retention duration, or the inspection lot was cancelled (algorithm: DateSY-DATUM is greater than QAVE-VDATUM + TQREO-ARCHIV or greater thanQAVE-VAEDATUM + TQREO-ARCHIV, in case QAVE-VAEDATUM is not initial; seethe Customizing settings or enhancement QREO0001).
    • A stock-related inspection lot has been fully posted. (Check using
    • status management.)
      • The inspection lot must no longer be used in the following data records:

      • Production order header (table AFKO)
        Delivery note item (table LIPS)
        Transfer requirement item without a "delivery completed" indicator(table LTBP)
        Quality level (table QDQL)
        Quality notification (table QMEL)
        If you want to set the archive indicator for all clients, then:
        • This must be defined in Customizing.

        • The program must run in BATCH.

        • In the report variant, field QL_REMND must filled with a variable, for
        • example QM-QL_REORG_MANDANT.

          The program creates a log list for selection.

          You can display an example list by starting the program in test mode.

          For more information,see the Application help by choosing Help -> SAPLibrary -> CA Cross Application Components -> CA Application DataArchiving -> QM Quality Management.
          To call up Archiving, choose Tools -> Administration ->Administration -> Data Archiving.

545168Object QM_CONTROL: QAMB is not archived
364582Cancelled inspection lots with long-term inspections cannot