Description Report RQDULM20 offers a tabular overview of where dynamic modificationrules are used in inspection plans and inspection setup data, and,moreover, the option to replace dynamic modification rules globally. You can use selection criteria to limit the number of task lists ormaterials to be checked. Therefore, if you enter a key date, the systemonly finds those task lists and materials that are used on this keydate. If you limit the hit list by entering selection criteria, the runtimeof the program is reduced because less data must be stored in the localmemory. You can use the following selection criteria for dynamic modificationrules used in task lists:
- Task list type (this is a required entry field and the value "Q" is
already entered for inspection plans)
- Plant (
- Task list group (
- Task list usage (
You can limit the search further by specifying the desired dynamicmodification level (lot or characteristic level, or both levels). The system finds all the instances of when the dynamic modificationrule is used at task list or characteristic level, when you search attask list or characteristic level. This can mean that the usage isdisplayed more than once when the dynamic modification rule is used atheader or characteristic level (for the same task list header). You can use the following selection criteria for dynamic modificationrules used in inspection setup data (material master data):
- Restriction according to material (
- Restriction according to plant (
Example Dynamic modification rule xyz is used in a task list header and in twoinspection characteristics, whose inspection operation is assigned tothis task list. When the system is searching for the dynamic modification level at thelot and characteristic level, the system includes three instances ofwhen the rule is used in the list: In the task list header and the twoinspection characteristics. Similarly, the system does not considerwhether the dynamic modification level was set at lot or characteristiclevel. When searching at lot level, the system only notes when the dynamicmodification rule is used at lot level. In the same way, when thesystem searches at characteristic level, the system only notes when thedynamic modification rule is used at characteristic level. Note that when a dynamic modification rule is used in an inspectioncharacteristic and this characteristic is assigned to a task list,which is dynamically modified at lot level, this instance of use is notfound. This is intentional because a dynamic modification rule for aninspection characteristic in a task list, which is dynamically modifiedat lot level, does not affect the system response. The inspection plans, in which the corresponding dynamic modificationrule is used, are displayed in a list. The following data is displayedin the list:
- Task list with task list number and task list group
- Instances of when the dynamic modification rule (task list header or
characteristic level), which the system is searching for, is used(column USE)
- Level at which dynamic modification occurs (lot or characteristic
- An X in column A shows whether the dynamic modification rule is active.
This means that the system should take dynamic modification intoconsideration.
- Operation number in the task list
- Inspection characteristic number in the task list
- Master inspection characteristic, if a master inspection characteristic
is used in the inspection plan
- Sampling procedure, if the inspection characteristic is also used with
a sampling procedure
- Date from which the inspection characteristic or task list is valid
(valid from field)
- Short text for the task list header or inspection characteristic
You can display more detailed information from the list using hotspots(for example, inspection characteristics, master inspectioncharacteristics, and sampling procedures), pushbuttons (for example,dynamic modification rule), or the Extras menu (for example, task listand change number).