Programme SAP RPWUG180 - Update Group Membership After Members Have Left

This report updates membership in a group when any member of a groupdeparts from an enterprise. Membership in the group is thus delimited.You can also delete any group time tickets existing this employee fromthe remaining inactive time from Cluster L1.

  • Delimit the data according to the selection criteria.

    • If you delimit the group membership of an employee who departs an
    • enterprise, select update. Only the database is updated in thiscase.
      • If you also want to delete group time tickets for this employee for the
      • inactive period, then you must also activate the "Delete all timetickets from inactive time" option.
        • If you want to see details of this departure in a log, then select the
        • Display details on departure field.

          The recording period for time management is the month.
          John Mayer is assigned from the 1st to the 30th of a month to group711. He has a time ticket recorded for each day of the month.
          John Mayer then departs the enterprise on the 20th of a month.
          The group memebership of the employee during the period from the 1st tothe 19th is delimited. In addition, all time tickets that are recordedon the 20th and all subsequents days should be deleted.