Programme SAP RPWI4000 - Integration with Logistics: Reorganize Interface File

New Procedures for Release 4.0A
As of Release 4.0, this report has been replaced by Report RPWI4100. Ifnecessary, you can still run Report RPWI4000 to reorganize data in theold AFRUHR interface table.
If you want to distribute your system for Release 4.0A, it isimperative that you start this report before distributing yoursystem.

This report reorganizes the interface file between Logistics and HumanResources (HR).
You can start the report in either normal run or specialrun mode. Once started, however, the report runs in normalrun mode. You can switch between special run and normalrun modes by activating the special run box.
In normal run mode, you can delete the following groups ofconfirmations from the interface file:

  • Retrieved confirmations without cancellations

  • Unretrieved confirmations with cancellations

  • In special run mode, you can delete the following groups ofconfirmations from the interface file:
    • Incorrect confirmations without cancellations

    • Incorrect confirmations with cancellations

    • Retrieved confirmations with cancellations

    • Cancellations without originals

    • The interface file can also contain unretrieved confirmations withoutcancellations; however, you cannot selected these confirmations.
      If the Delete confirmations parameter is active, then theselected confirmations, and if necessary, the cancellations, aredeleted from the interface file. Otherwise, the system runs the reportfor testing purposes only and the interface file remains unchanged.