Programme SAP RPUVETU0 - Utility Report to create VETS Company ID.

Utility Report to create VETS Company ID.

Only one Company ID was supported in table T5U0P for VETS and EEOreporting, even though it is possible to have a different Company IDfor EEO and VETS reporting.
To store the information for VETS Company ID, a new field has beenadded to table T5U0P, i.e. VETS Company ID (T5U0P-VCIND).
You can use this report to populate the VETS Company ID in table T5U0P.

  • EEO Company ID is same as VETS Company ID

  • If the EEO and VETS Company IDs are the same, choose this option.
    • EEO Company ID is different from VETS Company ID

    • If the EEO and VETS company IDs are different, choose this option andenter the VETS Company ID on the selection screen.
      • Test Run

      • If you select this option, table T5U0P will not be updated.

        The report displays the following information:

        • Personnel area

        • Personnel subarea

        • Old VETS 100 Company ID

        • New VETS 100 Company ID
        • Further information
          For more information, refer to Note 569697.

569697VETS: New Company ID For VETS.