Programme SAP RPUUMT00 - Update tables T51R5 and T51R5_HIST

Update Utility for Tables T51R1, T51R5, and T51R5_HIST

Use this report to update the new fields in the following tables:

  • T51R1 - additional off-cycle fields

  • T51R5 - additional FI document fields

  • T51R5_HIST - new status history table

  • The new off-cycle fields allow you to identify the actual evaluationrun for a specific off-cycle payroll run.
    Prior to this development, it was not possible to uniquely identify theoff-cycle payroll run. The additional fields make this possible. Youcan now run the report for each off-cycle run.

    Additional fields for FI document identification have been added totable T51R5. This allows you to identify documents for posting moreeasily.
    The new history table T51R5_HIST allows you to track the history of aposting and is vital for the stability and data integrity of theremittance process. All remittance programs have been updated toutilize this new table. This update step creates a history of a payeeitem, as it is now included in table T51R5. New actions are recordedwithin this table.


    • You need to run this program before any new postings are processed.

    • All code changes for the corrected payment rule processing - including
    • the update of already posted documents - must have been implemented.

      You need to execute this report sequentially for each update method asthey appear on the selection screen.
      Enter the Evaluation run number and select Update new T51R1fields only.
      Execute the report.
      Re-run the report for the subsequent selection options. When you selectthe T51R1 and the T51R5_HIST options (sequentially), allother selection fields become active.

      Prior to this development, it was not possible to tracechanges/reversals and other activities for T51R5. This is now possiblewith the new code changes provided and the new history table.
      You can check the updated status of these fields in the output ofReport RPURMR00.
      The statuses are:

      • Evaluated

      • Posted

      • Posting reversed

      • Posted

      • Paid/acknowledged

608179GRN: Check number not displayed on the garnishment history
624028MSC: Runid not cleared when getting the 3rd party status
541724TAX: Accelerated linked payees already posted and others
583475MSC: Accelerated payee items already posted to FI