Programme SAP RPUTSVN1 - Displaying HR TemSe Objects (Netherlands)

This report enables you to retrieve files that have been saved to the HRTemSe directory and are intended for dispatch to the bodies implementingemployee insurance schemes [UWVs] or Statistics Netherlands [CentraalBureau voor de Statistiek] abbreviated in Dutch to "CBS".

You have created a TemSe file by means of one of the following reports:

  • CBS Survey (RPLCBSN0)

  • Social Insurance Notification Cadans (RPCCDSN0)

  • Social Insurance Notification GAK (RPCMBVN0)

  • Annual Employment Tax Statement (RPCJLON0)

  • Annual Cadans Statement (RPCCJON0)

  • Annual GAK Statement (RPCBJON0)

  • Example
    HR_LCBSN0_0000005033 (CBS record)

    In the field TemSe Object select the required object type andthen the required file using F4 Help.
    Run the report to display the file.