Programme SAP RPUTSRB0 - Delete HR TemSe Objects - Detailed Criteria

You use this report to list and delete obsolete HR TemSe files. TemSefiles may need to be deleted as a result of incorrect customization, B2Aprocess reorganization, or as part of general TemSe maintenance.
In particular, this report can be used to delete TemSe files accordingto a wide range of file criteria, such as object type, creation details,B2A file processing status and file size.

The Delete HR Objects in the TemSe (RPUTSR00)report can also be used to delete TemSe objects, however, this is basedonly on defined end-validity dates.
Obsolete TemSe files may need to be deleted after a reorganization ofthe B2A processes using the HR-B2A: ReorganizationB2A Manager (H99_B2AREORG) report. Reorganizing B2A processesdoes not delete the corresponding TemSe files; these files lose theirconnection to the originating B2A process and remain in the TemSe.

The report displays a list of TemSe files which exist for a selectedobect type. The files are displayed with various creation, processingand status criteria, enabling you to delete both obsolete files andfiles with processing errors. Files which are successfully deletedusing this report are permanently deleted from the TemSe.

To display and subsequently delete TemSe objects using this report, youmust select the Delete checkbox. If the Delete checkboxis not selected, deletion is not possible in the resulting report list.
When the Object type dialog box displays, you select an objecttype to further restrict the display of TemSe objects. The system thendisplays a list of the HR TemSe objects with the following data:

  • TemSe object is the technical name of the TemSe file

  • Creation details of the TemSe file, such as date, time and responsible
  • user
    • File size

    • Status, which indicates the status and status description of the
    • corresponding process in the B2A manager
      • B2A identifier, which uniquely indicates the corresponding B2A process

      • Data ID

      • Icon, which indicates the deletion relevance for the file

      • From this list, you can identify TemSe files for deletion the followingfile details:
        • TemSe files which have a green icon (Approve) are no longer being
        • processed.
          • TemSe files with a status of Not used (99) have no
          • corresponding B2A process.
            • TemSe files with a status of Error - Process Again (11)
            • have not been correctly processed. The file can be deleted and thecorresponding B2A process re-run.

              The registration log displays the results of the TemSe object deletionas general messages and statistics. The statistics provide an overviewof the effectiveness of the deletion and the number of bytes deleted.