Programme SAP RPUTPSG1 - TPS Archive table maintenance

At the end of each financial year (31 March) employers have a statutoryrequirement to submit an Annual Return showing details of teachers'service, salary and any additional contributions that they have paid toTeachers' Pensions.
This report is complimentary to report 'Teachers' Pensions AnnualReturn' (RPUTPSG0) and allows maintenance of thefields 'Annual Salary Rate', 'Part-Time Salary Paid', 'OtherAllowances' and 'Supplement' in the TPS Archive table PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH.

Before the results can be maintained, they should be generated by themeans of the report RPUTPSG0.

You have to select the return year. By default the current year isdisplayed on the selection screen. After the return year has beenselected, the associated period is displayed on the selection screen.
You also have to select at least 1 personnel area for which report willbe generated. The personnel area is necessary to determine LEA Number /Area code of the returning organisation.
The selection of the reocrds of the archive table is perfomed based onthe return year and the Employer referencenumber (these 2 parameters from the control record ID of thegenerated results).

The records of the archive table correpsonding to the selectioncriteria are displayed/edited via ALV Grid. It is not possible todelete records or insert new records.
It is not possible to override the values generated by the report. Newvalues for the fields 'Annual Salary Rate', 'Part-Time Salary Paid','Other Allowances' and 'Supplement' should be entered into the 4supplementary editable fields with the same names.