Programme SAP RPUTPSG0 - Teachers' Pensions Annual Return

At the end of each financial year (31 March) employers have a statutoryrequirement to submit an Annual Return showing details of teachers'service, salary and any additional contributions that they have paid toTeachers' Pensions.
The purpose of this report is to create an ASCII file based on theformat for mechanised return to be sent to Teachers' Pensions.

Data for this report is taken from HR Master Data only.

Customising for the TPS Annual Return (see TPSIMG) has to be carried out. All references to tables, feature etc.are mentioned here for reference only; all customising objects are inIMG.

You have to select the return year. By default the current year isdisplayed on the selection screen. After the return year has beenselected, the associated period is displayed on the selection screen.
You also have to select at least 1 personnel area for which report willbe generated. The personnel area is necessary to determine LEA Number /Area code of the returning organisation.
Person selection based on employee attributes is carried out for theselected return year.
It is possible to generate report only for 1 establishment at atime.
If you wish to generate the 'Amendment of previous service details 'records (type 3) you have to explicitly check the corresponding checkbox on the selection screen.
The return data have to be generated in the live mode and stored in theData Base before the extraction of the return file can be performed.

The report has 2 processing options: generation and extraction.
In both live and test mode only output to ALV is possible.
In ALV mode, the 'Annual Service Retrun details' records are displayedfirst. The records of the remaining 3 types ('Additional Contributiondetails', 'Amendment of previous service details ' and 'Appointmentdetails') as well as the error log can be accesses through theApplication Menu push buttons. The output format in ALV is differentfrom the mechanised format required by TP for file submission in orderto facilitate the checking of the results. Also there are some extrafields , such as 'Personnel number' present in the display for the samepurpose.
In the live mode report updates archive table 'TPS Archive table forTPS Annual return records of type 1' (PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH) with thegenerated 'Service Annual Return details' records .
In both live and test mode you can choose to output the data in ALV,to TemSe or in the File System.
In this mode system retrives Service Annual Return details' recordsgenerated in the live generation run and stored on the database intable PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH and generates records of the remaining 3 types,if necessary.
When you output the data to TemSe, the data is stored safely in TemSeand can be downloaded to the frontend later using reportRPUHERG0.
You can directly download the data on your application server withoption Output in File System.
Once the extraction has been performed in the live mode, the archiverecords for the corresponding return year and returning organisationwill be locked, i.e. it will be impossible to modify the correspondingentries of the archived table PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH.
Error log.
There is a comprehensive error log. Personnel numbers for which thereexist an error message in the error log are excluded from the return.

Generate the records of the TPS Annual return first in the test mode.If you generate the return with this program for the first time, do notcheck the box 'Generate the amendment records', as the last yearresults in the archive table do not exist in your system.
Generate the records of the TPS Annual return in the live mode, i.e.update Data Base table PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH.
If the return file has not yet been extracted form the archive tablefor submission to TP, the fields 'Annual Salary Rate', 'Part-TimeSalary Paid', 'Other Allowances' and 'Supplement' can be maintainedmanually via report 'TPS Archive table maintenance' (
Extract the records of the TPS Annual return in the test mode first.
To submit the return to Teachers' Pensions run the report in the liveextraction mode.

Further information
The data for concurrently employed part-time employees are aggregatedon the return period. Only the contracts which are returnable under theTP regulations are taken into consideration.
See the IMG for enhancements of functionality ("BAdI") of this report.
Detailed information on Teachers' Pensions Annual return can be foundon Teachers' Pensions web site:
Any queries concerning the Annual report can be addressed to Teachers'Pensions Employer Group help line.